A cytostome/cytopharynx in green euglenoid flagellates …
1985年1月1日 · Recently, a vestigial cytostomal/ cytopharyngeal apparatus was identified in the green euglenoids, Colacium libellae and C. mucronatum and review of the literature has …
Macroevolution of complex cytoskeletal systems in euglenids
2007年9月17日 · In this essay, we synthesize evidence for the origin, adaptive significance and diversification of the euglenid cytoskeleton, especially pellicle ultrastructure, pellicle surface …
Advances in euglenoid genomics: unravelling the fascinating …
2024年8月14日 · Euglenids are a class of protozoa that predominantly live in freshwater environments, and together with the kinetoplastids – including unicellular parasites …
Euglenozoa: taxonomy, diversity and ecology, symbioses and viruses
We present an updated taxonomy, complemented by photos of representative species, with notes on diversity, distribution and biology of euglenozoans. For kinetoplastids, we propose a …
Euglenid - Wikipedia
Prey such as bacteria and smaller flagellates is ingested through a cytostome, supported by microtubules. These are often packed together to form two or more rods, which function in …
A cytostome/cytopharynx in green euglenoid ... - Semantic Scholar
By possessing combinations of characters resulting from adaptive change and morphostasis, euglenids have retained key pieces of evidence necessary for reconstructing the early …
A cryptic cytostome is present in Euglena - Springer
An absolute configuration analysis of the flagellar root system in E. mutabilis and a comparison with the flagellar apparatus of colourless Euglenophyceae and the bodonids (Kinetoplastida) …
A cytostome/cytopharynx in green euglenoid flagellates
The green, phototrophic euglenoid, Colacium libellae, has a vestigial cytostome and cytopharynx. The membrane forming the simple pocket is decorated with a dense, microfilamentous mesh. …
A cytostome/cytopharynx in green euglenoid flagellates
The green, phototrophic euglenoid, Colacium libellae, has a vestigial cytostome and cytopharynx. The membrane forming the simple pocket is decorated with a dense, microfilamentous mesh. …
Peranema trichophorum is a colorless, metabolic euglenoid with a single large flagellum, only the tip of which is employed in forward locomotion. The flagellum arises from a blepharoplast in …
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