CZ-52 rear sight?? - Gun and Game Forum
2010年3月5日 · cz52 sights I had the sightman in Renton,WA put Novaks on my 52 a few years ago - no complaints. Angie Butrick- The Sightman If I can find the pictures I took I'll post them..if not I can shoot a few more - let me know. PS: the pistol is …
Aftermarket sights for a CZ 52? | Gun and Game Forum
2011年6月9日 · SeabeeScotty installed a set of adjustable sight on one of my CZ 52 s. I sent him a set of LPA target sights and he re-cut the dovetail for the rear and staked the front sight blade. it is nice to be able to adjust the sights for different ammo.
CZ-52 pistol firing 22 Reed Express | Gun and Game Forum
2008年12月30日 · The 22 Reed Express is a 7.62x25 necked down to 22 caliber,this fellow made barrels for the cz-52 and got some spectacular speed,compared to the 5.7x28 cartridge,but he was ahead of himself and stoped making barrels.(Google .22 Reed Express) for more info.
CZ-52 or CZ-82 | Gun and Game Forum
2008年9月10日 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; menu Log in
I rolled out my fancy dolled up cz52 | Gun and Game Forum
2020年3月29日 · I had him cut a rear sight dove tail so I could mount a set of Millet adjustable sights. it greatly improved the shoot ability of the pistol. the problem was that the front sight won't stay staked in. the tool I have to peen the sight tenon for a 1911 doesn't fit in the 52's slide and a jury rigged tool I made didn't work so good.
CZ | Page 4 | Gun and Game Forum
2016年3月24日 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in
CZ 452 peep sights | Gun and Game Forum
2011年11月10日 · Recently purchased a CZ 452, and would like to put peep sights on it. I dont know enough about it to make a decision at this time. I have seen various types on the net, but dont know which to try. I dont really want to drill this rifle yet, but will if absolutely have to. Would appreciate any input.
A CZ 512 followed me home | Gun and Game Forum
2018年5月30日 · View attachment 94165 Finally paid off a layaway for a CZ 512 .22 magnum. It's CZ's second version of this flavor, the first being the CZ 511. Field stripped her and cleaned the shipping grease first thing. The barrel took several extra passes with some Barnes, but it finally showed clean patches (next time will stick with Kroil).
CZ-52 Problem | Gun and Game Forum
2010年10月22日 · These are the only aftermarket mags I have found that are worth a darn: CZ 52 Magazine 7.62 cal for sale : Brand New CZ52 Mags 8rd They say right in there that these are not Triple-K, but the name of the webpage says Triple-K (strange yes). They are good Teflon coated mags, smooth edges. I am not a gunsmith but that sounds like a roller problem.
Dural Walther PPK 1965 manufacture | Gun and Game Forum
2019年12月3日 · If you want to move to a small caliber centerfire, as I said elsewhere you might enjoy the FEG PA-63, FEG AP-9, Sig Sauer Model 232, a Czech CZ-52 in 7.62x25 Tokarev, or any TT-33 Tokarev in 7.62 Tok. The Fellers will tell you I can bore them silly with my singing of the praises of the Tokarev pistols; my favorite is the Yugoslav Model 57.