Beckman Coulter
Beckman Coulter Diagnostics | Beckman Coulter
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Beckman Coulter - Wikipedia
Beckman Coulter, Inc. is a Danaher Corporation company that develops, manufactures, and markets products relevant to biomedical testing. It operates in the industries of diagnostics and life sciences .
Duncan Anthony Coulter - Google Scholar
Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2021 Intelligent … Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 18th International Conference … Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International...
贝克曼库尔特有限公司 - 百度百科
贝克曼库尔特有限公司成立于1935年,始于贝克曼博士发明的、可用于精确测量柠檬汁pH值的酸度计 (pH meter)。 从位于美国加州帕萨迪纳市的一家汽车修理厂内的小企业,到如今临床诊断和生命科学领域的世界巨头,贝克曼库尔特公司的成功主要归功于具有远见卓识的三位科学家:贝克曼博士和库尔特兄弟,正是他们为科技与医学带来了重要的的变化。 1997年贝克曼公司和库尔特公司合并,成为今天的贝克曼库尔特有限公司,隶属全球科学与技术的创新者丹纳赫集团。 [4] …
Ian D. Coulter - Profile | RAND
2025年2月27日 · Ian Coulter is codirector of the RAND Research Across Complementary and Integrative Health Institutions (REACH) Center, a senior health policy researcher at RAND, professor emeritus at UCLA, and research professor at the Southern California University of Health Sciences.
DxAI智慧科研平台 - Beckman Coulter
贝克曼库尔特DxAI智慧科研平台通过对海量的检验、检查和临床数据,提供一站向导式治理,通过AI 机器学习,发现数据规律,自动优化模型,驱动临床科研,为临床诊疗方案优化、疾病风险预测以及患者预后评估贡献价值。 主要痛点. 怎么用人工智能应用解决临床问题? 如何导出分散在各个系统的数据? 学习代码编程很困难,怎么办? 如何选择正确的统计方法并运行描述? 一个科研任务需要使用多少个分析软件? 贝克曼库尔特DxAI智慧科研平台通过对海量的检验、检查和临床数 …
Dale M. Coulter - Google Scholar
The development of ecclesiology in the Church of God (Cleveland, TN): A forgotten contribution? What meaneth this? Pentecostals and theological inquiry.
DxC 700 AU Chemistry Analyzer - Beckman Coulter
The DxC 700 AU clinical chemistry analyzer is the latest innovation in a line of reliable chemistry systems for the mid- to high-volume laboratory. The DxC 700 AU combines the best-loved (and time-tested) features of the popular DxC and AU series of clinical chemistry analyzers.
David Coulter - Home - UCSC
David Coulter . Postdoctoral Research Fellow — Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore. I am a member of the Transient Science at Space Telescope team working on electromagnetic follow-up to gravitational wave sources, high-z supernova discovery and characterization, transient survey design, and software development.