Detonation spraying - Wikipedia
Detonation spraying is one of the many forms of thermal spraying techniques that are used to apply a protective coating at supersonic velocities to a material in order to change its surface characteristics. This is primarily to improve the durability of a component.
首页 - SDGun
2024年5月27日 · Colt 直角陆军托终于有厂家复刻啦? 【测评】【117测评】乐高级P320达成! --腐败玩家出品Xcarry C 版本深度玩耍.
High temperature tribological properties of the D-gun WC-12Co …
2023年10月15日 · In this work, a WC-12Co coating was fabricated by the detonation gun (D-gun) spraying. Its microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behaviors under FLiNaK molten salt were systematically studied. The main conclusions are drawn as follows. (1)
Detonation Gun (D-Gun) - Corrosionpedia
2024年7月19日 · A detonation gun (D-gun) is device that can deposit a variety of materials and ceramic coating at supersonic speeds onto a workpiece by controlled detonation of oxygen and acetylene. It is used in the thermal spraying process for providing hard, wear-resistant and dense-microstructured coatings.
Detonation Spray Coatings - SpringerLink
The detonation spray coating (DSC) process is a variant of thermal spraying in which powder feedstock of the coating material is heated and accelerated by high-pressure, high-temperature gaseous products resulting from controlled explosive combustion of a carefully measured mixture of gases (usually oxygen and acetylene), to impact a substrate a...
An investigation on D-gun sprayed Al2O3-SiC coatings
2019年10月15日 · Al 2 O 3 -SiC powder mixture can be successfully deposited on bond coated steel by D-Gun technique without decomposing SiC. Al 2 O 3 ‐3 wt% SiC coating is found to be the highest wear resistant material among the selected Al 2 O 3 -SiC coatings.
What is D-gun? - Thermal Spray Application
D – gun thermal spray, also known as detonation – gun thermal spray, is a high – velocity thermal spray process. It uses the energy of a detonation wave to accelerate and deposit coating materials onto a substrate.
Coating Applications | Linde AMT
Choose from an array of application options to meet requirements, from bulk processing to specialty coating. Cost-effective and versatile options including D-GUN™, HP/HVOF®, wire arc and plasma spray for coatings that resist wear, corrosion, fatigue, oxidation and more.
D-gun -Thermal Spray Coating Service Provider China-APT
APT coating provide comprehensive, cost-effective Detonation spraying D-Gun capabilities that allow our customers to improve their operational efficiencies and reduce maintenance costs through our D-gun coatings services.
A Review on Detonation Gun Sprayed Coatings
The wear and friction behaviors of detonation-gun- (D-gun) and plasma-sprayed hard coatings were investigated by Yinglong [50] under dry sliding conditions. The coating materials studied