Our Products - D&V Electronics
D&V is continually developing new equipment and technologies for the rapidly changing global automotive industry. We strive to have the equipment and analysis ready for our customers …
Careers & Opportunities - D&V Electronics
D&V Electronics is a manufacturer and supplier of state of the art electric motor and drive test systems to the OEM and Tier One manufacturers of hybrid/electric automobile vehicles …
JBT-1 Bench Top Diagnosis - D&V Electronics
Computer controlled variable voltage starter power supply easily tests the starter motor and solenoid functionality for items such as solenoid contact voltage drop, pull-hold in current, …
ALT-198 Advanced End-of-Line Testing - D&V Electronics
Thank you for your interest in the ALT-198 Advanced End-of-Line Testing.Please fill out the form below so we can send you the brochure. Thank you for your interest in the ALT-198 Advanced …
Customer Services - D&V Electronics
D&V provides training and seminars worldwide for customers to learn about the latest testing technologies.
Contact Us - D&V Electronics
D&V Electronics Ltd 130 Zenway Boulevard Woodbridge, ON L4H 2Y7 Canada Get directions from Toronto International Airport: Toll-Free: 1-888-979-1919 (US and Canada) Tel: +1-905 …
Voltage Regulator Testing Units – D&V Electronics
Designed with ease of use in mind, D&V’s Voltage Regulator Testing Units can automatically test with PASS & FAIL indication on all types of solid state voltage regulators. For precise regulator …
Online Parts Store - D&V Electronics
The D&V Parts Store is an easy tool to help you quickly order spare parts. BROWSE OUR PARTS Customer service is always on the top of our minds and it is our hope that this online …
ST-116 Production Testing - D&V Electronics
Precision product diagnostics with D&V’s state of the art data acquisition and processing technology. Flexible operation with manual or automatic connection tooling for a wide range of …
Starter Testing Equipment – D&V Electronics
D&V’s testing solutions have become widely accepted in the laboratory for performance validation and durability testing as well as at the end of the production line.