DCUBED – Space Engineering Made Easy
Secure delicate equipment during launch and release safely on orbit with our patented Hold-Down Release Mechanisms (HDRM). Charge your mission with turn key power generation …
D-Cubed | Siemens Software
借助用于几何约束求解、运动仿真、碰撞检测和隐藏线绘制的 D-Cubed 组件增强您的 CAD、CAM 和 CAE 软件应用程序。 为何选择 D-Cubed? 借助 D-Cubed 组件加速您的 3D 软件开发:为您的计算机辅助设计 (CAD)、计算机辅助工程 (CAE) 和计算机辅助制造 (CAM) 应用程序提供可提高生产效率的解决方案。 D-Cubed 组件应用于各行各业,可加速从消费品到飞机发动机及商业建筑的产品的设计和制造。 一套由六个组件构成的套件可为参数化草图、偏置轮廓、零件和装配设 …
D-Cubed 3D DCM | Siemens Software
Develop custom applications in part and assembly modeling with D-Cubed 3D Dimensional Constraint Manager (DCM) for reduced risk and time-to-market. D-Cubed 3D DCM is a geometric constraint solver that increases design and engineering productivity in the following areas:
D-Cubed 2D DCM | Siemens Software
D-Cubed 2D 尺寸约束管理器 (DCM) 是款几何约束求解器,可实现常见于许多高级 2D 和 3D 设计应用程序中的直观草图绘制技术。 草图绘制效率也得到了提高,因为用户通过更改特定尺寸值或拖动几何体,可以更轻松地修改设计。
CAD几何约束求解器2021:几何内核很少,参数求解器更少。 - 知乎
约束求解引擎也是最基础的核心组件,目前主要的产品有 D-Cubed DCM ( 西门子 ), CGM (达索),LGS(LEDAS)和 DCS (华云三维)以及俄罗斯ASCON: C3D Solver 。
D Cubed Group
D Cubed Group is a highly differentiated private-market investment firm that actively invests committed funds of equity capital in profitable, small and mid-scale businesses operating in the consumer and business services industries.
D-CubedTM components deliver key functionality in a wide range of applica-tions in computer-aided design (CAD), simulation and manufacturing. Software vendors rely on these compo-nents to accelerate time to market, solve complex modeling problems and …
What is D-Cubed? - PLM Components
2016年6月13日 · When someone from Siemens PLM Software mentions “D-Cubed” they are talking about a collection of six Software Development Kits (SDKs) also known as “components”. These components are used by software developers to solve math problems and add functionality to commercial CAD/CAM/CAE and AEC software applications.
2024年8月20日 · D-Cubed轮廓几何管理器(PGM)使应用程序能够创建、修改、测量和约束由一系列开放或封闭的连接边组成的2D配置文件,如偏移配置文件和嵌套配置文件。
2020年1月20日 · 目前世界上最为成功的商用几何约束求解器当属D-Cubed公司(2006年被UGS收购,UGS现已归属德国西门子公司)的DCM。 位于英国剑桥的D-Cubed公司是一家专门从事约束求解系统软件开发的公司,其于1990年推出其二维约束求解核心模块2D-DCM,1994年推出三维约 …
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