改装案例 | 那台经典的纵置4G63后驱漂移EVO - 哔哩哔哩
2022年4月21日 · 这就是D1GP2006的总冠军熊久保信重和著名改装厂牌JUNAuto Mechanic合作打造的“EVO滑翔战斗机”。 这台车基于最后一代搭载“最强4缸”4G63引擎、且是集此前EVO之大成的Lancer Evolution IX MR改装。
Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X Team Orange D1GP - GRID-TOCA Wiki
The Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X Team Orange is a tuned drift car based on Mitsubishi's Lancer Evolution X, and modified for the D1 Grand Prix (D1GP) for Team Orange. It underwent extensive customization, including conversion to Rear-Wheel Drive layout as …
Team Orange is a one of leading Drift team in D1 Grand Prix Series with winning 2006 title by team leader Nobishige Kumakubo.
“逮虾户”中的“F1”——D1GP - 哔哩哔哩
2022年9月10日 · 而打开专业漂移比赛这扇大门的先驱,则是一个至今仍在举办且仍具有广泛影响力的日本系列赛——D1大奖赛(D1 Grand Prix,下文简称D1GP)。 于今年8月20-21日在惠比寿西赛道举行的D1GP 2022赛季第四、五回合宣传图. 一、发展历程. 上世纪80年代,日本正处于泡沫经济破灭前的繁荣之中,这也使得汽车在人们的生活中逐渐普及,汽车运动也逐渐成为了主流。 而相比于去到职业赛场上拼领奖台,来一手帅气的漂移门槛更低,条件更宽松,带给小姐姐们的 …
He started to use rear wheel drive converted Subaru Impreza in D1GP since 2005 and won 2006 title. From 2007 he changed his car to Mitsubishi EVO 9 and finally replaced to Mitsubishi EVO X in 2009. His extreme attacking style in Tsuiso (twin battle) hasn’t changed even …
CENTER STAGE> Team Orange CT9A Lancer Evo 9 - MotorMavens
Out of respect to Evo owners out there, I thought I’d dig into my archives and publish some photos of one of my favorite Mitsibushi Lancer Evos of all time – the Team Orange Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 9, owned by D1 Grand Prix champion driver Nobushige Kumakubo.
Team Orange D1GP Evo X RC drifting at Rolling Garage RC!
2025年2月17日 · A Team Orange D1GP Evo X RC drift car takes on qualifying at Rolling Garage RC for Round 1 of the International RC Drift Federation in 2024.
D1GP 2012 Odaiba Round 1 Drift 099 | D1GP Odaiba - Yuke's Te …
2012年4月14日 · D1GP 2012 Odaiba Round 1 Drift 099. D1GP Odaiba - Yuke's Team Orange with Beast Eye's Mitsubishi Evo X driven by Naoto Suenaga vs. Toyo RC926 Nissan S15 driven by Akinori Utsumi . More on SmugMug: backfromleave.smugmug.com/Cars/D1-Grand-Prix/D1GP-Odaiba-...
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Team Orange D1GP Evo X RC drift car at Rolling Garage RC for ...
Team Orange D1GP Evo X takes on qualifying at the first ever IRCDF competition in 2024! Hard to believe that this was already over a year ago. I'm...
Team Orange D1GP Evo X takes on qualifying at the first ever …
Team Orange D1GP Evo X takes on qualifying at the first ever IRCDF competition in 2024! Hard to believe that this was already over a year ago. I’m currently going through clips to make the 2024 RC Drift Recap which’ll be out in the next few weeks!