152 mm gun-howitzer D-20 - Wikipedia
The 152 mm gun-howitzer M1955, also known as the D-20, (Russian: 152-мм пушка-гаубица Д-20 обр. 1955 г.) is a manually loaded, towed 152 mm gun-howitzer artillery piece, manufactured in the Soviet Union during the 1950s. It was first observed by the West in 1955, at which time it was designated the M1955.
红色重锤——苏联D-20式152mm加榴炮 - 哔哩哔哩
在阿富汗战争中,D-20经常被拿来打击武装分子的山洞,大石头碉堡等目标,这种目标迫击炮和122榴弹炮有时难以拆除,就需要152榴的重火力支援。 一枚152榴弹炸出来的弹坑足足有近两米深,可见威力之大。 对越自卫反击战也是让D-20充分发挥的一场战争,尤其是在1984年的两山轮战中,中越双方都有D-20榴弹炮,但是解放军炮兵的良好素养使得越军炮兵阵地被压制的死死的。 66式炮班射击,1985年. 战争中,66式加榴炮是非常强悍的支援兵器,能轻松轰垮越军的防御 …
152 mm towed gun-howitzer M1955 (D-20) - Military Wiki
The 152 mm gun-howitzer M1955, also known as the D-20, (Russian: 152-мм пушка-гаубица Д-20 обр. 1955 г.) is a manually loaded, towed 152 mm artillery piece, manufactured in the Soviet Union during the 1950s.
Firearms – d20PFSRD
Emerging Guns: Firearms become more common. They are mass-produced by small guilds, lone gunsmiths, dwarven clans, or maybe even a nation or two—the secret is slipping out, and the occasional rare adventurer uses guns. The baseline gunslinger rules and the prices for ammunition given in this chapter are for this type of campaign. Early ...
D-20 / Type-66 152-mm Towed Gun-Howitzer - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年10月4日 · The D-20, also known as the M1955 or M-55, was the newest 152-mm towed howitzer in the Soviet and Warsaw Pact inventory when first introduced in 1955, replacing the heavier, less powerful, 152-mm...
Type-66 152-mm Towed Gun-Howitzer - Federation of …
The D-20 is a very large gun, equating to 6-inch caliber, and is heavy for a simple towed carriage. Its restricted mobility, however, is somewhat compensated for by its range of 17,230 meters. The D-20, also known as the M1955 or M-55, was the newest 152-mm towed howitzer in the Soviet and Warsaw Pact inventory when first introduced in 1955 ...
D-20 - Weaponsystems.net
Early 1950's - ? The D-20 is a towed howitzer of Soviet origin. It was developed in the early 1950's to replace most 152mm howitzer in Soviet service. It has been produced under license in China and Romania. The ordnance is similar to the one …
D-20 (Model 1955) 152mm Towed Field Howitzer - Military Factory
2022年4月8日 · Available supported armament, ammunition, and special-mission equipment featured in the design of the D-20 (Model 1955) 152mm Towed Field Howitzer. Varies. Typical 152mm ammunition type is Frag-HE, OF32. Other types include smart munitions, incendiary, mine dispersal, chemical, anti-infantry flechette and rocket-assisted types. Nightvision - NONE.
D-20 152-mm gun howitzer - nuou.org.ua
The D-20 howitzer gun was developed immediately after the end of World War II at the Design Bureau-9 under the direction of Fedor Petrov; it was to replace the pre-war 152-mm ML-20 howitzer of 1937. The length of the gun barrel is 34 caliber length. The D-20 was the first 152-mm system with a semi-automatic wedge bolt with vertical wedge movement.
152-mm D-20 — Towed Artillery Guns/Howitzers - Military …
The 152-mm D-20 gun/howitzer was organic to Soviet army/front-level artillery; it remains in Russian army service. It equips either an artillery regiment (18-24 guns) or an artillery brigade (36-48 guns). The D-20 shares its carriage and recoil system with the D-74 field gun (see separate database entry).