Melee Weapons | D20 Modern Wiki - Fandom
Sword Cane: This is a lightweight, concealed sword that hides its blade in the shaft of a walking stick or umbrella. Because of this special construction, a sword cane is always considered to be concealed; it is noticed only with a Spot check (DC 18).
Weapons - d20PFSRD
From the common longsword to the exotic dwarven urgrosh, weapons come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. All weapons deal hit point damage. This damage is subtracted from the current hit points of any creature struck by the weapon.
Weapons - d20srd.org
Sword, Bastard A bastard sword is too large to use in one hand without special training; thus, it is an exotic weapon . A character can use a bastard sword two-handed as a martial weapon .
Sword and Sorcery Studios - Wikipedia
Sword and Sorcery Studios (S&SS) was an imprint of White Wolf, Inc., used to publish its d20 System & Open Gaming License material in from 2000 to 2008. The imprint also acted as publisher for other small press game developers, such as Monte Cook 's company, Malhavoc Press, and Necromancer Games.
Magic Weapons - d20srd.org
Magic weapons have enhancement bonuses ranging from +1 to +5. They apply these bonuses to both attack and damage rolls when used in combat. All magic weapons are also masterwork weapons, but their masterwork bonus on attack rolls does not stack with their enhancement bonus on attack rolls. Weapons come in two basic categories: melee and ranged.
Weapons - D20 Modern Wiki | Fandom
The weapons covered here are grouped into three categories based on their general utility: Ranged Weapons, Explosives and Splash Weapons, and Melee Weapons.
Sword (D20 Modern Equipment) - D&D Wiki
PL 2 A sword is a melee weapon primarily used for cutting and thrusting, a sword can be single or double edged with either a straight or curved blade. Melee. (Archecic)
Shortsword - d20PFSRD
Short swords are some of the most common weapons found in any martial society, and thus designs are extremely varied, depending on the region and creator. Most are around 2 feet in length. Their blades can be curved or straight, single- or double-edged, and wide or narrow.
Sword, Dueling - d20PFSRD
An dueling sword can be used as a martial weapon (in which case it functions as a longsword), but if you have the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dueling sword), you can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a dueling sword sized for you, even though it isn’t a ...
Holy Sword - d20srd.org
This spell allows you to channel holy power into your sword, or any other melee weapon you choose. The weapon acts as a +5 holy weapon (+5 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls, extra 2d6 damage against evil opponents). It also emits a …