Practical differences between 1. e4 and 1. d4 ? - Chess Forums
2015年1月26日 · disagree as to whether 1. e4 or 1. d4 is the better move. Some world cham-pions such as Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov have preferred 1. e4; some titleholders such as Jose Capablanca and Mikhail Botvinnik have played 1. d4 predominantly. But most masters, while holding definite views as to whether 1. e4 or 1. d4 is the better move for their ...
1.d4 - Openings - e4 vs d4 - Chess Stack Exchange
As Black facing 1.e4, what is a reply that results in all my pieces set up to attack White's kingside as that is where his king is likely to end up. Etc. There are many questions that suggest themself after comparing the pros and cons of 1.e4 vs 1.d4.
e4 or d4? - Chess.com
2016年10月8日 · A great e4 specialist is Rublevsky, and a great d4 specialist is Yusupov. Kasparov regularly entertained both sides of the coin. However, from toying with both, I have come to realize this. Start off with 1. e4 because it will give you a better appreciation for the fundamentals of chess. 1. d4 does this too but not as well as 1. e4 does.
e4 Vs d4 - Chess Forums
2019年4月4日 · Bobby Fischer preferred 1 e4, though he played 1 c4 in some of his games in the World Championship match with Boris Spassky in 1972. I used to play 1 e4 exclusively and taught the high school team I coached to do the same because I think there are more closed positions where it's harder to see tactics and combinations than in 1 e4 openings.
d4 vs. e4 - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2012年9月30日 · And Also the difference with d4 and e4 i think is that with d4,you could blitz out the opening and you will only suffer minor damage.With e4,you must be more vigilant and more tactically aware.Try playing games with e4 and figure out the opening moves yourself withoud the aid of theory.It will deepen your understanding of the e4 game.
e4 VS d4 : The Ultimate Battle - Chess.com
2025年2月26日 · 1.d4: The Strategic Foundation. The move 1.d4 establishes a solid pawn presence in the center, controlling the e5 square and providing a stable base for piece development. Unlike 1.e4, 1.d4 often leads to closed or semi-closed games, emphasizing positional play and long-term strategic planning. Key Characteristics:
Which is better: e4 or d4? - Chess Forums
2023年9月20日 · But it does kinda make sense 1. e4 would be best. The reasoning is that what white really would like to do is pick up both center pawns and play 1. e4&d4. In defenses where black allows it white will almost always play both pawns forward, regardless whether the game started 1. e4 or 1. d4 (eg Modern Defense).
e4 vs. d4 - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2015年3月12日 · I think that 1. e4 and 1. d4 are approximately equally good. However, as is obvious, the type of positions which arise tend to be somewhat different. The 'margins' are wider with 1. d4 - there's more chance for white to play a few inaccuracies and not be worse. With 1. e4 it's easier for white to play a few inaccuracies and end up worse.
Theory, e4 vs d4 - Chess Forums
2010年5月26日 · 1.d4 can lead into the Semi-Slav Botvinnik, Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein or Gruenfeld Exchange, all of which are pretty theory heavy, but I agree that many 1.e4 openings run pretty deep in the main lines, especially in openings like Sicilian Najdorf Poisoned Pawn, Ruy Lopez Marshall or French Winawer Poisoned Pawn.
Every First Move For Black (Against d4), Tiered and Ranked
2023年5月31日 · As with e4, the B tier is where we really start to see the more respectable responses. On average, however, the B-list moves against 1.d4 are slightly less commendable than vs. 1.e4. #8: c5 (Old Benoni) This is no longer the preferred way of playing a Benoni. (The modern approach to that opening is, "Play a different opening.")