Graphiclite D50 LED Lamps - GTI Graphic Technology Inc.
GTI has developed a D50 LED lamp that offers a high CRI solution for all Graphiclite color viewing solutions. This lamp combines the benefits of LED technology with the closest match to D50 …
D50 Lighting
Our D50 Lighting™ screw-in LED bulbs are a quick and simple way to dramatically improve your lighting quality. If you've got a fluorescent lamp fixture, our full-spectrum D50 Lighting™ LED …
标准光源箱中对色用D50光源与D65光源有什么区别? - 知乎
本文对d50光源与d65光源以及二者之间的区别做了简要的介绍。 什么是d50光源? d50光源的色温为5000k,被世界印刷业公认为标准色温(icc标准),常用于印刷或预发布领域。
D50光源是什么类型的光源?有什么作用?-DOHO标准光源对色灯 …
2024年11月5日 · D50光源是国际照明委会CIE规定的D系列中常见的一种标准光源,它是一种模拟自然光的人造光源,色温为5000K,也是对色灯箱中常用光源种类。 那么,D50光源有什么作 …
ColorWiki - D50
2017年9月26日 · D illuminants are based on the daylight curve that runs above the blackbody. Therefore, D50 has a spectral energy distribution that closely matches that of a blackbody at …
The types of D50 Lights (5000K) - INTEKE INSTRUMENT
D50 Lighting for graphic and photographic applications. Light sources description: D50 – Color Proof “Artificial Daylight” for graphic and photographic applications., color temperature is 5000K.
什么是D50光源?D50光源与D65光源有什么区别? - 3nhLighting
d50光源是一种色温为5000k的人造光源,其发光的颜色略微偏暖色调,是印刷行业除d65光源外常用的一种对色光源。 那么,D50光源与D65光源有什么区别? 本文对D50光源及D50光源 …
What is D50 for graphic arts & printing? – D50 Lighting
2024年11月14日 · D50 is a theoretical light source that approximates "warm daylight" and follows the CIE standard. It is defined by a theoretical light spectrum as shown below. The resulting xy …
Plongez dans une luminosité exceptionnelle avec les dalles lumineuses LED NOVAD D50 et NOVAD D65, conçues pour apporter la lumière naturelle du jour à votre espace de travail. …
Product range of color matching devices | JUST-Normlicht
Fluorescent lamps, developed specifically for the graphic arts industry, with CIE D50 standard light source to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 12647-2:2013. Outstanding colour properties and …