英特尔® 台式机主板 D5400XS
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Intel's D5400XS: The Best Multi-GPU Motherboard? - AnandTech
2008年2月4日 · Intel's D5400XS: The Best Multi-GPU Motherboard? Despite our rant about Fully Buffered DIMM, the D5400XS is actually a very impressive motherboard. It all starts with the fact that the...
再次超越自我 英特尔顶级八核平台详测_Intel 酷睿2 QX9770(至尊 …
D5400XS主板解析 从图中我们能够清晰了解这块主板的规格设置,由于两颗nForce 100芯片的存在,令D5400XS不单单支持CrossFireX,也能够支持NVIDIA的SLI双卡技术。不过遗憾的是:根据NVIDIA的官方解释,Skulltrail平台将无法支持NVIDIA的3-Way SLI技术。
Intel® Desktop Board D5400XS
Intel® Desktop Board D5400XS quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
up to 8-core processing, the Intel® Desktop Board D5400XS delivers outstanding performance for advanced digital media creation and editing. The new desktop board supports the latest processors based on Intel’s cutting edge 45nm technology utilizing hafnium-infused circuitry, which delivers even greater performance and power efficiency.
This product specification applies to only the standard Intel® Desktop Board D5400XS with BIOS identifier XS54010J.86A. Changes to this specification will be published in the Intel Desktop Board D5400XS Specification
8核跑分王 Intel首款SLI平台性能揭秘_Intel D5400XS_主板评测-中 …
支持英特尔®台式机主板 D5400XS
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Intel D5400XS - 百度百科
Intel D5400XS是一款电脑主板,适用于Intel平台,采用了Intel 5400主芯片组。
【Intel D5400XS】报价_参数_图片_论坛_Intel D5400XS服务器主 …
2011年7月26日 · 中关村在线为您提供Intel D5400XS服务器主板最新报价,同时包括Intel D5400XS图片、Intel D5400XS参数、Intel D5400XS评测行情、Intel D5400XS论坛、Intel D5400XS点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买Intel D5400XS服务器主板提供有价值的参考