D6880/D6880M Standard Specification for Wood Boxes
2019年10月31日 · The wood boxes produced are classified into two classes according to durability, six styles according to cleat and joint structure, and two treatment types. It is recommended that the boxes be made from recycled materials using standard-compliant fasteners. Each box side and joint should be assembled according to the …
MIL-DTL-2427 Box, ammunition packing: Wood, nailed 2.8 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) Publication:9
ASTM D6880/D6880M-19-木箱的标准规范-国家数字标准馆
ASTM D6880/D6880M-19木箱的标准规范1.1 本规范涵盖木箱的制造。 这些木箱在建造、填充和关闭时,应用于包装不超过1000磅 [454千克]的物品。 1.2 如果可接受并允许使用其他施工方法或技术(参见 5.1 ),产生的箱子应具有与使用指定材料和程序产生的性能相同或更好的性能。 实践中规定的适当分配周期 D4169 ,可用于制定比较程序和标准。 1.3 以英寸-磅或国际单位制表示的数值应单独视为标准值。 在文本中,国际单位显示在括号中。 每个系统中规定的值不是精确的 …
ASTM-D6880 Lumber Crates - Kaiser & Johnson Export Packaging …
ASTM-D6880 boxes are the most commonly used shipping crates in the United States as well as overseas. They are more appropriate for light duty shipments, as they can only hold up to 1000 pounds of items.
Wood Boxes1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6880/D6880M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
ASTM-D6880 | Standard Specification for Wood Boxes
Document Center Inc. is an authorized dealer of ASTM standards. This specification covers the fabrication methods for the production of wood boxes. The wood boxes produced are classified into two classes according to durability, six styles according to cleat and joint structure, and two treatment types.
ASTM D6880/D6880M-19 - Standard Specification for Wood Boxes
ASTM D6880/D6880M-19 - ABSTRACT This specification covers the fabrication methods for the production of wood boxes. The wood boxes produced are classified into two classes according to durability, six styles according to cleat and joint structure, and two treatment types.
- 评论数: 4
ASTM D6880-05 - Standard Specification for Wood Boxes
2005年3月31日 · This specification covers the fabrication and closure of empty and full wood-cleated, hereafter referred to as wood-cleated, panelboard boxes. These boxes are intended for use as containers for domestic and overseas shipment of general materials and supplies. The box shall be classified according to box type: Type I; Type II; Type II; and Type IV.
- 评论数: 4
ASTM D6880/D6880M : 2019 Standard Specification for Wood …
1.1 This specification covers the fabrication of wood boxes. These wood boxes, when constructed, filled and closed, shall be used for the packing of contents not exceeding 1000 lb [454 kg].
ASTM D6880/D6880M-19 - Standard Specification for Wood Boxes
astmd6880d6880m19-Standard Specification for Wood Boxes- 1.1 This specification covers the fabrication of wood boxes. These wood boxes, when constructed,
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