Nikon D880 - Nikon Rumors Forum
Well can we expect a D880 with the features and downsides of the D780? 46 MP ?
Nikon D880 - Page 3 - Nikon Rumors Forum
Such a shame if the D880 doesn't have pdaf - that means Nikon DSLR live view focusing will never be as good as Canon. BIG shame Nikon.
Nikon D880 - Page 4 - Nikon Rumors Forum
@WestEndFoto only one of those lenses doesn’t have a markably better Z version. I would take that £1500 in FTZ's and those lenses to trade up for Z versions.
Nikon D880 - Page 2 - Nikon Rumors Forum
The D780 seems similar to the Z6 so I think a D880 would be similar to the Z7 (or its successor). I don't think Nikon will put much research into DSLRs, but will release them with mirorrless tech leftovers as long as there is a demand. Posts: Member January 2020
AF fine tuning (again) - Nikon Rumors Forum
I have read through the past view years of comments on the topic and didn't see my question addressed.
Death of F-mount FX Challenge - Nikon Rumors Forum
Just for fun: Which year do you think the last F-mount, FX, DSLR camera will be discontinued? What will it be called? I say 2026 and D880 (maybe D7).
AF-Fine Tune: You Don't Need It - Nikon Rumors Forum
Wow. Another epic statement from the class of "real-photographers-do-like-this-and-that" by Ken Rockwell, from yesterday. Check it out: AF Fine Tune?
Nikon Rumors Forum
1 view 124 comments Most recent by mhedges August 2021 D6x0/D7x0/D8x0
How many shutter actuations does/did your camera have?
An additional question is, how many shutter actuations did your camera have when it died? I wonder how much data we can collect from this forum. My D40 had 28,077 actuations when it croaked on me.
Z6 ii and Z7 ii - Page 2 - Nikon Rumors Forum
I would like to see a D550 and D880 as the last hurrah of the DSLR world from Nikon to include the D6 AF. As for the Z6s and Z7s they just need more processing, but even then I think mirrorless is not quite me for some subjects yet. I very much hope the D6 isn't the last Nikon, that would be going out with a whimper. But maybe they'll pull a R5 class performer with the Z7s and no one will care ...