DAC for FLAC? - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2008年3月18日 · A DAC does NOT handle the conversion of a digital format file (i.e. .wav, .flac, .acc, etc) to a digital signal - that is handled by a computer or other device such as sonos, squeezebox, etc. aside from expensive, high-end "all-in-one" solutions (Sooloos, Nova Memory Player, etc), one device doesn't do all these tasks.
Best DACs 2025: USB, desktop and portable digital-to-analogue ...
2025年1月22日 · Most DACs nowadays support a wide range of hi-res PCM files – FLACs, for example, often up to 32-bit – but further compatibility should be considered if you wish to play or stream more niche music formats such as DSD or MQA.
[分享] FYI: 測試DAC解析FLAC檔案能力的免費數碼唱片
2025年2月1日 · 跟著當播放完某一首 wav 歌曲檔案之後,再次播放該首歌曲的 flac 檔案版本,鑑聽比較雙者之間的音質差距 - 若是dac能夠將 flac 檔案解碼後所播放的動態「開揚度」和聲線「鬆容度」,與沒有壓縮的 wav 檔案解碼後所播放的「動態」和「聲線」愈接近就會愈理想。
Apple Music听无损需要外接DAC,有没有什么推荐的呢?有没有可能官网会上架一款适配DAC…
而如果你有一条苹果小尾巴的话,也就是闪电转3.5耳机连接线,你可以不用购买外接DAC,因为这条线最高可支持48 kHz/24 bit的无损音乐。 至于,市面上卖的那些外界解码器,能够完整解码192 kHz/24 bit的ALAC编码的DA解码器并不是很多,大多只支持48 kHz/24 bit解码 ...
HIFI日记:什么是DAC?什么是解码器? - 梦雨玲音
2022年4月22日 · DAC,全称叫做数模转换器,它由英语Digital to Analog converter简化而成,从英文上来说,不存在任何理解门槛,就是单纯的将数字信号(Digital)转换成模拟信号(Analog)的过程,相当的通俗易懂。
FLAC files: What are they and how to use them - SoundGuys
2025年1月2日 · FLAC files can be bit-perfect copies of CD audio, meaning they contain exactly the same audio data as the original CD. The key difference is that FLAC compresses this data (without losing any quality) to about 50-70% of the original size.
Test your DAC; DXD- DSD-FLAC Comparison Sampler
2017年7月4日 · Every DAC has it's own character, some sounds better using PCM files and some sounds better using DSD files..... Some people find the convenience of FLAC files more important. Here on this page is a list containing 2 minutes of a song in 11 different formats.
FLAC to DAC | Stereophile.com
2013年12月13日 · With genuine DAC and good headphones, you should be able to tell the difference in audio quality between differing sampling bits and frequencies. Especially, 16bits/44.1khz vs 16bits/48khz vs 24bits/48khz vs 24bits/96khz.
flac - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2023年9月23日 · Main advantages over FLAC: Able to store and losslessly compress DSD stereo & multichannel. Album can be 1 Single with built-in cuefile. Create lossy files with a correction file to reconstruct the whole file again.
[zz] 高端HIFI发烧音频DAC解码芯片排名 - CSDN博客
2021年6月22日 · dac解码器是将数字度信号转换为模拟信号(以电流、电压或电荷专的形式)的设备,一般叫dac芯片;在很多数字系统中(例如计算机),信号以数字方式存储和传输,而数字模拟转换器可以将这样的信号转换为模拟信号,从而使得它们能够被外界(人或其属他非 ...