LongShot - DARPA
The objective of the LongShot program is to disrupt the paradigm of air combat operations by demonstrating an unmanned air-launched vehicle capable of employing current air-to-air weapons, significantly increasing engagement range and mission effectiveness.
General Atomics LongShot drone for DARPA to start flight tests …
2023年9月7日 · WASHINGTON — General Atomics will begin flight tests in December of its design for DARPA’s LongShot program, the company announced today.
DARPA’s LongShot drone program reaches final demonstration …
2023年7月7日 · The LongShot program aims to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle able to fire multiple air-to-air weapons while flying alongside or ahead of manned aircraft in order to extend ranges and reduce risk, according to a DARPA release.
DARPA moves General Atomics’ ‘LongShot’ drone pitch to phase …
2023年3月6日 · AIR WARFARE SYMPOSIUM — General Atomics’ pitch for the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s LongShot program — a three-phased effort to build a turducken-like unmanned aircraft system (UAS)...
Interoperability Leads to LongShot | Northrop Grumman
When the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), envisioned a new weapon system to significantly increase engagement range, mass and effectiveness against future adversary air threats, Northrop Grumman provided an innovative design concept – the LongShot Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that holds promising operational potential. It ...
Project LongShot: DARPA's Fighter Drone With Air-to-Air Missiles
2021年2月10日 · DARPA, the Pentagon's cutting-edge research and development branch, is looking to develop an air-launched drone with air-to-air missiles. Fighter jets will carry the drones to extend their...
GA-ASI Poised to Begin LongShot Flight Testing Phase
SAN DIEGO – 11 September 2023 – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) is poised to begin the flight-testing phase on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) LongShot program. Begun in 2020, General Atomics was competitively awarded a contract to develop DARPA’s concept for disruptive air combat operations ...
DARPA’s LongShot air-launched drone program ... - DefenseScoop
2023年3月8日 · The LongShot initiative aims to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle that can employ “multiple air-to-air weapons,” according to a DARPA press release that came after phase 1 contracts for preliminary design work were awarded to General Atomics, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman in 2021.
DARPA's LongShot missile-firing drone is ready for flight testing
2023年9月14日 · Developed by General Atomics since 2020, LongShot combines air-to-air missiles with a jet-powered drone that can be launched from a fighter. This will allow older planes to stand off from more...
DARPA授予三家公司远射无人机项目(longshot)合同 - 知乎
2021年2月9日 · 美国国防高级研究计划局(DARPA)的远射项目(longshot)正在开发一种能够使用多种空对空武器的空中发射无人机,该项目已将初步第一阶段设计工作的合同授予通用原子公司(General Atomics)、洛克希德•马丁公司和诺…