Class Library: Bard - Dark Age of Camelot
Bards are the singers of the realm of Hibernia. They use instruments to perform most of their repertoire. Their songs provide nurture and protection during and after battle.
Bard - Dark Age of Camelot Wiki | Fandom
Bards are the singers of the realm of Hibernia. They use instruments to perform most of their repertoire. Their songs provide nurture and protection during and after battle.
Dark Age Of Camelot 2020 Beginner Bard Guide - YouTube
2020年6月10日 · Dark age of Camelot is an old MMO that has been around for years! This Phoenix Shard is free to play at https://playphoenix.online. How is this old MMO able to retain such a dedicated community?...
Strongest Duo and Trio - DAoC Official Forums
2020年8月24日 · Bard is a strong class. But paper DAoC never reflects reality here simply because everyone plays at a different skill level and a good/bad hit can win/cost a fight. You also have little control over how many players you're up against unless you're setting up fights.
Fresh 50 Bard LF advice on how to proceed : r/daoc - Reddit
2019年2月19日 · Looking to continue progressing on my Bard after hitting 50 and then leveling some alts and kind of stuck as far as what I should be doing. Looking to get into some RvR and from what I can tell I need to start working on my temp. It sounds like a good place to start is with the SI neck quest, and the Galla raid chest piece.
Bards - Eden-DAoC
2023年5月11日 · Bard has 50% skill points then any caster on eden and has root. Is this really needed? It's extremely imbalanced. * Remove root from Bard. They are not supposed to have root. * Nerf the Mentalist RR5 ability. It has to be the most overpowered RR5 in the game. * Remove static tempest from Mentalists.
Class guide, Hibernia | Dark Age of Camelot information and …
Some common Bard specs are: 47 Music, 43 Nurture, 16 Regrowth OR 43 Nurture, 37 Music, 33 Regrowth. RAs: Purge, MoC, SoS, MCL, Aug Dex are all good. Race: Firbolg, Shar, and Celt are the best races for a Blademaster. If picking a dmg type based purely on STR a Firbolg will give the highest dmg.
Classes :: Dark Age of Camelot :: ZAM
Straight from Celtic lore, the Bard is an important combination of Druid and performer -- able to defend his friends with a blade, as well as encourage and embolden them with his songs of glory and valor. Only firbolgs and humans from the Way of Nature may become Bards. Per patch 1.109 (April 27, 2011):
Bard Nurture Spec :: Skills :: Dark Age of Camelot :: ZAM
Fatigue Regeneration (Song) - Everyone in the caster's group gains an increase to their rate of fatigue regeneration, allowing them to sprint farther or use more melee combat styles. …
Dreamweaver :: Realm Abilities :: Dark Age of Camelot :: ZAM
Free to Bard at RR5. Bard creates an illusion that makes him or her self look like a different race and class for a 5 minute duration. The bard's instrument also takes the illusion of another weapon and no spell effects are shown when casting a spell.