Collins’ DB-110 dual-band airborne reconnaissance sensor, a derivative of the SYERS system, combines visible and infrared imaging capabilities in a compact, lightweight design. This system has proven its performance day and night operationally and in demonstrations worldwide on both manned and unmanned platforms. DB-110 RECONNAISSANCE SYSTEM
The Raytheon DB-110 reconnaissance system is effectively four sensors in one, utilizing simultaneous visible and infrared focal plane assemblies with selectable long-range or short-range optics. This capability permits reconnaissance missions to be conducted from very short range to long range by day or night.
从发展历程看F-16最新装备的侦察吊舱有多强 - 网易
2020年12月15日 · ms-110多光谱机载侦察系统是对第三代db-110的一种改进,它提供多光谱探测能力、更高的分辨率和更高的覆盖范围。 MS-110具备多频谱、全天候、高解析度影像观测能力,有效侦察距离超过80海里(148.16千米)。
Global ISR Sensors and Software | Raytheon - RTX
Raytheon MS-110 represents the next generation of the widely deployed DB-110 dual band airborne reconnaissance system providing day and night, wide area, long-rang imagery coverage. The MS-110 is the only U.S. fast jet recce pod currently offered to international customers.
The MS-110 Airborne Reconnaissance System is an important advancement over the third-generation DB-110, providing new multi-spectral detection capabilities, improved image quality, and increased coverage in a SWaP configuration that is compatible with fast jets, ISR aircraft and UAVs, such as the MQ-9 Reaper.
USAF Selects UTC Aerospace Systems DB-110 Airborne Reconnaissance ...
2018年2月21日 · The DB-110 is a dual-band 110-inch focal length reconnaissance system that is capable of producing high-resolution imagery from nadir to a stand-off range of 80-plus nautical miles,...
DB110 Aerial Reconnaissance Pod - Defense Update:
2005年5月15日 · The Goodrich's DB-110 reconnaissance pod is a digital, real-time, tactical reconnaissance system designed to capture images in day or night, using electro-optical sensor technology. The pod can transmit Images via datalink to the ground in real time.
第三代机载红外可见光侦察吊舱标准化工作浅析 - 道客巴巴
2016年2月17日 · 1.1国外典型红5,1-t可见光侦察吊舱对比分析目前,红外/可见光侦察吊舱正在向高分辨率、多波段、高度集成的新型系统发展,出现了以Goodrich公司研制的第三代DB一1lO侦察吊舱、美国海军利用Goodrich公司CA.279/H双波段传感器集成的侦察吊舱AN/ASD一12(V)SHARP币 ...
The Raytheon DB-110 Sensor: Four Cameras in One Package
The Raytheon DB-110 reconnaissance system is effectively four sensors in one, utilizing simultaneous visible and infrared focal plane assemblies with selectable long-range or short-range optics. This capability permits reconnaissance missions to be conducted from very short range to long range by day or night.
USAF raises contract ceiling for DB-110 reconnaissance pod
2022年5月9日 · Collins Aerospace has obtained a $805.74 million contract modification from the USAF to continue work on the DB-110 Tactical Reconnaissance Pod programme. Work is expected to be completed by 17 February 2027, the DoD announced on 6 May. The original deal was awarded in December 2017.