Ourivesaria Brasil - Joalharia | Angra do Heroísmo
Estimado cliente, amigo e visitante, é com enorme prazer que anunciámos 50 anos de existência. Sempre visamos o bom atendimento e simpatia para com aqueles que nos visitam, servindo bem e dispondo de uma diversificada colecção em ouro, joalharia e …
My first time shooting the DB380 - diamondbackforum.com
2016年2月2日 · My DB380 arrived yesterday after my ordering it two weeks ago. The pistol is a generation 2 manufactured in September 2015. When I got it home from the gun shop, I broke it down cleaned and lubed it. This morning I took it to an indoor range to shoot for the first time.
Are the latest db380 pistols reliable? - diamondbackforum.com
2020年7月15日 · Re: Are the latest db380 pistols reliable? « Reply #32 on: July 20, 2015, 07:53:36 PM » From my latest experience with Diamondback and with their warranty service, the words Diamondback and reliable are not related.
Author Topic: customer service (Read 4845 times)
2019年12月13日 · Been away from this forum for a looooong time now and want to catch up on the latest customer service information. I have one of the older DB380's that I purchased in 2010. Never did send it in for any factory updates or modifications and am considering doing so now but have some questions 1st.
Very Disappointed with Diamondback
2014年2月25日 · I'm not following the Kahr lawsuit relationship to DB resolving it by adding and additional pin. Can that be right?
DB9 back from repairs today and going right back!!!
2014年10月23日 · POPB935740, I did that to my DB380 about 3 months after I bought it in Nov. 2010. I got the same results with my DB380 as you did with your DB9.
DB9 FS epic fail - diamondbackforum.com
2016年4月1日 · EAA SAR k2p 9mm Taurus pt911 g2 9mm Diamondback db380sl Sig Sauer P250 9mm full size
Get Inspired, People!
2021年1月15日 · The Diamondback Forum is pretty slack lately. I hate to beg for your input and experiences, but will. I'm pretty much thinking all is so "well" with DB's products that nobody has anything to bitch about.
To send or not to send. - diamondbackforum.com
2015年4月18日 · Over a year ago I bought a used DB380 and have had no problems what so ever with it. So, I thought that I would go for it again and bought a new, YEXXXX DB9 on March 31st. After 160 rounds, hollow points and FMJ, every thing from Precision to Hornady, 9 different boxes and 7 different brands, I have had 16 failure to feeds and 2 trigger failure ...
Author Topic: Warranty Service (Read 13949 times)
2021年4月5日 · First off M8 we would be more understanding , if it wasn't a across the board problem. and they made some attempt to fix the problem. but now with no improvement after 5 months its hard to feel sorry for an ill managed service department from a …