DBA小鼠以及其亚系介绍:DBA/1和DBA/2 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
DBA/2J是被广泛使用的纯种品系,在心血管生物学,神经生物学和感觉神经等许多研究领域具有重要价值。 它的特征常常与 C57BL/6J 纯种品系 (Stock No. 000664)形成对比。 经过 14周 的导致动脉粥样硬化食物喂养后(1.25%胆固醇,0.5胆汁酸和15%脂肪),DBA/2J具有低的患动脉粥样硬化的大动脉损伤 (20 to 350 um2动脉粥样硬化的大动脉损伤/大动脉横截面)的患病率。 它们也显示出高频听力损失,起始于断奶期/青春期(在3-4周龄之间)并在 2-3个月 变得严重。 这个品系 …
000671 - DBA2 Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
DBA/2J is a widely used inbred strain that is valuable in a large number of research areas, including cardiovascular biology, neurobiology, and sensorineural research. Its characteristics are often contrasted with those of the C57BL/6J inbred strain (Stock No. 000664).
DBA/2小鼠, DBA/2 Mice - 维通利华 | Charles River
1974年Charles River从NIH引入,命名为DBA/2NCrl,并于隔年剖腹产。 2001年,维通利华从Charles River引入第8代核心群。 2012年、2018年和2022年,维通利华重新从Charles River引入该品系隔离器核心群。
DBA/2 Mice | Charles River
Charles River provides research animal models, including DBA/2 mice (Dilute Brown Non-Agouti), for use in basic research and nonclinical drug discovery and development.
DBA/2J | 杰克森实验室
DBA/2J小鼠是一种广泛使用并极具研究价值的近交品系,其应用领域包括心血管生物学、神经生物学和感觉神经研究。 此品系的特点通常与C57BL/6J近交品系(品系货号: 000664)形成对比。 DBA/2J小鼠在接受致动脉粥样硬化饮食(1.25%胆固醇、0.5%胆酸和15%脂肪)14周后,表现出对动脉粥样硬化病变的低易感性(20到350um2动脉粥样硬化病变/主动脉横截面)。 此外,DBA/2J 小鼠大约在离乳/青春期(3-4周龄)开始出现高频听力丧失,并在2-3月龄时发展为重 …
DBA/2 | Taconic Biosciences
The DBA/2 inbred model was developed by Little in 1929-1930 by intercrossing to generate new sublines, 12 (now known as DBA/1 and 212 (now known as DBA/2). NIH received stock at F34 from Midler in 1951.
DBA/2 Mouse | Science of Aging Knowledge Environment - AAAS
2003年11月5日 · DBA/2 is a widely used inbred laboratory mouse strain, particularly in studies of cardiovascular biology, neurobiology, and neurosensory phenomena. Breeding performance is low relative to that of other strains. Of the mouse strains available from NIA, DBA/2 has the smallest body size.
000671 - DBA2 Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
2024年1月16日 · DBA/2J is a widely used inbred strain that is valuable in a large number of research areas, including cardiovascular biology, neurobiology, and sensorineural research. Its characteristics are often contrasted with those of the C57BL/6J inbred strain (Stock No. 000664).
DBA/2_金泰美迪 - 专注动物研究//佑护生命健康
dba/2 1909年由 Little 培育,为最古老的近交系及首次用于毛色遗传研究的小鼠。 1929-1930 年在亚系间进行杂交,建立了—些新亚系,根据携带的三个隐性基因d(淡色)、b(棕色)、a(黑色),改名为DBA小鼠。
DBA/2J Mice - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月19日 · ②生理:白血病的发生率,dba/2/ola 雌鼠为 34%,雄鼠为 18%, 而 dba/2n 雌鼠为 6%,雄鼠为8%;雄鼠接触氯仿和 乙二醇 的氧化 物,以及缺乏维生素 k 时,死亡率高;35 日龄鼠听源性癫痫发 作率为 100%,55 日龄后为 5%。
DBA/2 - 知乎
2023年12月9日 · 肿瘤:对dba/1 的大部分移植瘤有抗性。 雌鼠白血病发病率为34%,雄鼠为18%,经产母鼠乳腺癌发生率为50- 60%,雌雄鼠中均有淋巴瘤生长。 微生物和寄生虫:对 疟原虫 、利什曼原虫有抗力。
DBA/2 Mice - Charles River Laboratories
Developed by C.C. Little in 1909 from stock segregating for coat color. Oldest of all the inbred strains of mice. In 1929-1930, crosses were made between sublines, and several new sublines were established, including the widely used sublines 1 (previously called 12) and 2 (previously called 212). To Mider in 1938. To NIH in 1951 from Mider at F34.
DBA 2 Mouse - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
DBA/2 is an inbred strain widely used in several research areas including cardiovascular biology, neurobiology and sensorineural research [37]. An in vitro examination revealed that spleen cells of DBA/2 mice strongly reacted with CAWS to release various cytokines such as interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α, GM-CSF and interleukin-12, and ...
双(二亚芐基丙酮)钯 CAS No. 32005-36-0 Sigma-Aldrich
双(二亚芐基丙酮)钯(Pd(dba) 2 )是一种空气稳定的Pd 0 复合物。它是用于合成烯丙基取代环戊二烯的试剂。它是一种均相催化剂。它可以在温和条件下通过各种亲核试剂的作用催化乙酸烯丙酯的烷基化。
DBA/2 Strain Detail MGI Mouse MGI:2159768 - informatics.jax.org
View mouse strain DBA/2 : mutations, QTL, phenotypes, diseases, and references.
Bis(dibenzylideneacetone)palladium(0) 32005-36-0
Bis(dibenzylideneacetone)palladium(0) (Pd(dba) 2) is an air stable Pd 0 complex. It is a reagent for the synthesis of allylic substituted cyclopentadienes. It is a homogeneous catalyst. It catalyzes the alkylation of allyl acetates by various nucleophiles under mild conditions.
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DBA/2 - Envigo
DBA/2NHsd, DBA/2OlaHsd, DBA/2JRccHsd Developed in 1909 by Little from mice used in color experiments and this strain is the oldest of all inbred strains of mice. In 1929-30, crosses were made between sub-lines, and several new lines established; two of these were called 12 (now DBA/1) and 212 (now DBA/2). DBA/2NHsd
DBA/2 mouse as an animal model for anti-influenza drug efficacy ...
Taking these data into consideration, we propose that the DBA/2 mouse is an excellent animal model to evaluate antiviral efficacy against influenza infection and can be further utilized for combination therapies or bioactivity models of existing and newly developed anti-influenza drugs.
DBA/2J mouse (JAX™), DBA/2J - Animalab
DBA/2J is a widely used inbred strain. Some characteristics include low susceptibility to developing atherosclerotic aortic lesions, high-frequency hearing loss, susceptibility to audiogenic seizures, development of progressive eye abnormalities that closely mimic human hereditary glaucoma, and extreme intolerance to alcohol and morphine.
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