Dragon Block C Minimalised HUD - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Overrides the original GUI HUD elements (HP, Ki, Stamina, Bp, Power release) and replaces them with a minimalist, retro styled set of bars which are all clearly visible in one location, and includes a portrait that changes based on the player's …
Dragon Block C Minimalised HUD - Files - CurseForge
Custom HUD for JinRyuu's Dragon Block C Mod. Alpha builds are unstable and subject to change, but may offer the latest version
Share your Custom HUD - JinGames
2020年4月1日 · Little update. Some people have told me over discord that they’re minecraft crashed when they’re trying to install the custom hud. Its because you haven’t copied the code correctly. So if you want and easy solution, then just download this file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/eo0kxh05u0hlcg6/Xenoverse_2_HUD_by_rgpq25_%28Pack_V2%29.zip/file
Kasai Dragon Block C – JinGames
2018年7月20日 · For example, my mod changed the HUD, and I’m adding new outfits to DBC. I’m basically just adding to Jin’s mod, not trying to replace it. March 22, 2019 at 18:46 #43571
Dragon Block C - JinGames
2010年1月7日 · An old Dragon Ball, Z, Super, GT Anime Minecraft mod. This mod is still in development! AND MORE… Q: Will the mod be updated to a newer Forge version? A: Maybe, but not yet. Full answer can be found here: https://main.jingames.net/faq/#updatedforge. Other Questions and Answers can be found on our FAQ at https://main.jingames.net/faq/
MC龙珠模组自定义形态教程 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年11月8日 · 首先拿出自定义NPC魔杖右键生成NPC,打开全局设置. 右下角就会有三个按钮,分别是形态,气焰,气轮廓. 打开形态,点击添加来增加新的形态. 然后点击刚刚创建的形态再点右边的编辑按键. 一般界面的一图介绍. 外形设置一图介绍. 形态等级部分我就挑大家感兴趣的部分. 然后就是可叠加了,此处具体就是是否可以和超赛或黄金弗利萨这些DBC形态叠加,以及自我极意,自在极意这些叠加,还有界王拳,界王拳可以设置不同倍数的叠加增幅.
Download Dragon Block C Minimalised HUD - CurseForge
Overrides the original GUI HUD elements (HP, Ki, Stamina, Bp, Power release) and replaces them with a minimalist, retro styled set of bars which are all clearly visible in one location, and includes a portrait that changes based on the player's chosen race and form (see: images below) It includes: Arcosian:
hud – JinGames
DBC textures and sounds overhaul. (Addon). Green icon in HUD under ki bar? to support JinGames and its projects, so we can grow and continue working!
How to use the Custom Health Bar ! DBC 1.4.81 - YouTube
Wassup everyone, Today's video is gonna be another Dragon Block C mini Tutorial, where i'll be showing you guys how to use the custom hud on DBC, as i've been getting too many questions about...
DragonBlockC Wiki - Fandom
In response to Spanish speaking comments and what looked like attempts to translate some pages into Spanish, we looked into how you're supposed to handle that on fandom and found the answer was to make another wiki and link the wiki's together. So we have a companion Spanish wiki now! https...