DBX 160, 1176, LA2A - TalkBass.com
2021年5月13日 · Do you reach for a DBX 160, 1176 or LA2a? What's your strategy for setting it up? Assuming the part is well played I would go with an 1176 with the 4:1 button engaged, a moderately fast attack and as slow of a release as I could get away with that didn't cause audible pumping (start fast and dial it back until it stops pumping).
Classic Compressors - Sound On Sound
The final classic vocal‑processing contender is Urei's 1176 (and the same marque's near‑identical stereo 1178). Whereas the 670's valves are smooth and warm, the 1176's equally fast FET‑based design brightens the tone and adds extra edge and excitement in a way that has made it a fixture on vocals for many top engineers for a half‑century.
Different types of compression, SSL vs 1176 vs 1a2a vs DBX160 ect...
2013年6月14日 · The 1176 is important because it allows All-Buttons mode! Of course, you can overfixate on exactly what it does to transients (I do), and the high noisefloor (which makes it sounds breathy), but in historical terms, it matters because it goes nuts!
Can someone breakdown when to use la2a, 1176, fairchild
2011年3月8日 · "Then, for that hard-to-tame lead vocalist (the one that backs up from the mic to whisper and leans in for the big ending chorus), try an 1176 followed by a DBX 165. Use the 1176 as a compressor, and the DBX as a peak limiter...it's guaranteed to be smooth as silk."
Waves 教你一次记牢 7 种压缩器类型,再记不住回家抄 500 遍
2023年1月18日 · CLA-76 插件不仅重现了著名FET压缩器Urei 1176的控制设定,还提供了其两种不同版本的切换——也就是俗称的“蓝脸”(Bluey)和“黑脸”(Blacky)。 适用方向: 不适用于: 压缩器通常会将输入信号分成两部分:一部分通过检测电路发送,以确定压缩器的运行方式;另一部分则是压缩器处理并发送到输出的音频。 在光学压缩器中,检测电路颇为独特——音频信号转变为光,触发一个控制增益衰减量的电光传感器。
DBX 160a or 1176 plugin - Gearspace
2006年10月15日 · The dbx 160a and the 1176 are two completely different compressors. I would say that the 160a is very useable although a bit boring at times (I owned one for years), and if I still had it today I'd probably be reaching for my UAD 1176 more often.
DBX 1066 vs 1176 - Gearspace
2006年2月27日 · If 1176's are within your price range I would say absolutely go for the 1176's. They're warm, dark, and very full sounding. They also cost 4 times as much for only 1 channel, but it's worth every penny.
DBX 160 against a 1176 for vocals - Gearspace
2006年4月28日 · I've used a 160 a couple time on vox just to hear it grab but almost always go with an 1176 or Purple MC76. If I had more than one 160 I might try it more often on things other than drums. I recall Glenn Ballard used a 160 on Alanis' vocal on Jagged Little Pill but that record was off the hook anyway.
Why do 1176 considered one of the best compressors for drums?
2023年6月4日 · The 1176 checks a lot of boxes as a Swiss Army knife compressor: well laid out controls, transformers you can drive into, and different circuit flavors depending on the revision. They are very intuitive to use for most people, easy to learn.
混音师必备压缩器UAD 1176使用教程 - 哔哩哔哩
这应该是目前最有名的压缩效果器了,录音棚必备!, 视频播放量 17004、弹幕量 70、点赞数 469、投硬币枚数 249、收藏人数 479、转发人数 41, 视频作者 七线阁官方, 作者简介 合作/答疑 Vx 15280839999 唯一店铺 七线阁,相关视频:UAD最新免费插件1176 FET经典压缩使用教程,【七线阁】用脑子去混音 第八集 ...