376 | dbx Professional Audio | English
The 376 puts the best of both worlds into one affordable package by combining the warmth of the vacuum tube, with the proprietary dbx Type IV® conversion system. The 376 boasts many of the same features as other products in the Silver Series, such as +48V phantom power, a phase invert switch, and low cut filtering.
Dbx 376 - Sound On Sound
The single‑channel Dbx 376 is a 1U rackmount voice channel with hybrid solid‑state/valve circuitry, which provides mic, line and instrument inputs followed by EQ, compression and de‑essing. The analogue signal chain feeds Dbx's Type IV A‑D conversion process and several digital output options are available.
376 | dbx Professional Audio | English (US)
The 376 puts the best of both worlds into one affordable package by combining the warmth of the vacuum tube, with the proprietary dbx Type IV® conversion system. The 376 boasts many of …
DBX376 单通道电子管话放初用评测 - Midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
江湖中传说DBX有两款话放,一个姓DBX名376,还有一个姓DBX名386,传说376单通道话放自带EQ压缩,386双通道装不下EQ压缩。 晚辈初来乍到所以很多前辈都不认识,最近有缘在朋友的小棚里聆听376前辈教诲,觉得甚是合心,嗯,前辈的声音对得起它老人家的身价,所以决定买一台回来自己用,虽然我现在已经有了台Universal Audio LA-610 MKII 话放,虽然我并不是有钱人,但我需要不同风格的录音,所以。 理性抵不过欲望。 又冲动了一回。 又奢侈了一回。 啊~! …
The 376 Tube Channel Strip w/Digital Output is the latest addition to the Silver Series family. The 376 puts the best of both worlds into one affordable package by combining the warmth of the vacuum tube with the pro-prietary dbx® Type IV™ conversion system. The 376 boasts many of the same features as other products in the
DBX 376 通道管理器_环球音响网
来自数字信号处理领域的全球领导者推出了具有数字输出功能的新型376电子管通道处理器。 超过25年以来,dbxProfessional Products一直为实现卓越音频铺平了道路,随着376的创建,该驱动器继续发展。
DBX 376 - Reverb
This is a very nice condition DBX 376 Vacuum Tube Channel Strip with Preamp, EQ, Compressor, De-Esser, and Digital Outputs. Working perfect with AC cable. A tube channel strip with all essentials! The dbx 376 is an innovative approach to channel strip processors, coupling the latest in channel strip technology with the warm sound of a vacuum tube.
dbx 376 Tube Channel | zZounds
The 376 Tube Channel Strip with Digital Output is the latest addition to the Silver Series family. The 376 puts the best of both worlds into one affordable package by combining the warmth of the vacuum tube, with the proprietary dbx (TM) Type IV conversion system.
dbx 376 | Sweetwater
A tube channel strip with all essentials! The dbx 376 is an innovative approach to channel strip processors, coupling the latest in channel strip technology with the warm sound of a vacuum tube. What makes it so special?
DBX 376 单通道话筒放大器_电子管话放_话筒放大器_乐城仕-中国 …
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