dbx — Use the debugger - IBM
dbx is a source-level debugger for z/OS® UNIX System Services. It provides an environment to debug and run C and C++ programs, as well as performing machine level debug. You can carry out operations such as the following: Examine object files; Run a …
Using the dbx debug program - IBM
The three most common ways to start a debug session with the dbx program are: Running the dbx command on a specified object file; Using the -r flag to run the dbx command on a program that ends abnormally; Using the -a flag to run the dbx command on a process that is already in progress; When the dbx command is started, it checks for a .dbxinit ...
dbx (debugger) - Wikipedia
dbx is a source-level debugger found primarily on Solaris, AIX, IRIX, Tru64 UNIX, Linux and BSD operating systems. It provides symbolic debugging for programs written in C, C++, Fortran, Pascal and Java. Useful features include stepping through programs one source line or machine instruction at a time.
使用 dbx 调试程序 - IBM
使用 dbx 程序启动调试会话的最为常见的 3 种方法是: 对指定的对象文件运行 dbx 命令; 使用 -r 标志在异常结束的程序上运行 dbx 命令; 使用 -a 标志在已在进行中的进程上运行 dbx 命令; 启动 dbx 命令时,它检查用户当前目录和用户 $HOME 目录中的 .dbxinit 文件。
第 1 章 dbx 入门 (Sun Studio 12:使用 dbx 调试程序) - Oracle
如果 dbx 已在运行,还可以使用 debug 命令将 dbx 连接到运行中的进程: 要将 dbx 连接到包含 Java 代码和 C JNI(Java Native Interface,Java 本地接口)代码或 C++ JNI 代码的运行中的进程: 有关 debug 命令的更多信息,请参见 debug 命令。 要在 dbx 中运行最近装入的程序,请使用 run 命令。 如果最初键入 run 命令时没有使用参数,则程序便在没有参数的情况下运行。 要传递参数或重定向程序的输入或输出,请使用下列语法: 例如: 运行包含 Java 代码的应用程序 …
内容包括如何启动dbx,使用dbx调试core dump文件,动态追踪运行中的进程,以及dbx的各种查看、列表、移动和停止命令的用法。 适合对 AIX 程序 调试 不熟悉的初学者学习。
如何在AIX机器上使用dbx调试core dump - CSDN博客
2014年2月24日 · 内容包括如何启动dbx,使用dbx调试core dump文件,动态追踪运行中的进程,以及dbx的各种查看、列表、移动和停止命令的用法。 适合对 AIX 程序 调试 不熟悉的初学者学习。
Starting the debugger: Give the 'dbx' command along with the name of the exe-cutable you wish to examine. For example: % dbx a.out executes a.out in debigging mode. After this command your process is run in the debug mode (i.e., by dbx) with the prompt (dbx)
Unix Commands - the dbx Command
Syntax dbx [ -a ProcessID ] [ -c CommandFile ] [ -d NestingDepth ] [ -I Directory ] [ -k ] [ -u ] [ -f ] [ -r ] [ -x ] [ ObjectFile [ CoreFile ] ] Description The dbx command provides a symbolic debug program for C, C++, Pascal, and FORTRAN programs, allowing you to carry out operations such as the following: * Examine object and core files.
Getting Started With dbx - Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Debugging …
dbx is an interactive, source-level, command-line debugging tool. You can use it to run a program in a controlled manner and to inspect the state of a stopped program. dbx gives you complete control of the dynamic execution of a program, including collecting performance and memory usage data, monitoring memory access, and detecting memory leaks.