Tumour-retained activated CCR7 - Nature
2024年1月24日 · We report that CCR7 + DCs are the dominant DC population that migrate to the dLN, but a subset remains tumour-resident despite CCR7 expression. These tumour-retained …
Dendritic cell migration in inflammation and immunity
2021年7月23日 · CCR7 ligation in DCs induces complicated intracellular signaling pathways involving PI3K/AKT, MAPK/NF-κB, HIF-1α, and IRFs, which feedback to regulate the …
多因子检测:树突状细胞 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
成熟和半成熟DC的 CC趋化因子受体7 (CCR7)表达升高,并向表达CCR7配体CC趋化因子配体21(CCL21)的末端淋巴管迁移。 CCR7与CCL21的相互作用使DC进入淋巴管系统,并最终 …
“全长新秀” CCR7 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年2月2日 · 2022年11月, Novartis 团队首次在《Blood》杂志公布了JBH-492 的相关研究数据,表明其有可能成为治疗 CCR7 表达淋巴恶性肿瘤的一种前景广阔的ADC候选药物。针 …
CCR7 and its ligands: balancing immunity and tolerance
CCR7 is expressed by B cells, mature dendritic cells (DCs) and by several T-cell sub-populations including naive, regulatory and central memory T cells. In non-lymphoid organs CCR7 ligands …
New Insights of CCR7 Signaling in Dendritic Cell Migration and ...
In this review, we take an in-depth look at the structural–functional domains of CCR7 and CCR7-bearing dendritic cell trajectory to lymph nodes. Then, we summarize the regulatory network of …
Dendritic Cells and CCR7 Expression: An Important Factor for ... - PubMed
2021年8月3日 · In this review, we discuss the role of dendritic cells (DCs) and the central chemokine receptor CCR7 in the initiation and sustainment of selected chronic inflammatory …
CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate
2023年9月1日 · Upon exposure to the CCR7 ligand CCL19, dendritic cells (DCs) effectively internalize the receptor and ligand as part of the canonical GPCR desensitization response. …
CCR7配体增强了成熟树突状细胞中各种抗原的吞噬作用-时间进程 …
cc趋化因子受体7(ccr7)在成熟的树突状细胞(dc)上选择性表达。ccr7配体,cc趋化因子配体(ccl)19和ccl21促进成熟dc从周围组织迁移到区域淋巴结。我们以前证明了ccr7配体在成 …
The chemokine receptor CCR7 expressed by dendritic cells: A key …
Furthermore, CCR7 is the primary chemokine receptor that drives DC migration to the LN and, in turn, activates pathogenic T cells. Thus, antagonizing CCR7 at the ocular surface has been …