McDonnell Douglas DC-10 - Wikipedia
The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 is an American trijet wide-body aircraft manufactured by McDonnell Douglas. The DC-10 was intended to succeed the DC-8 for long- range flights. It first flew on August 29, 1970; it was introduced on August 5, 1971, by American Airlines.
DC-10 - 百度百科
DC-10是美国道格拉斯公司(后并入麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司,简称 麦道公司)应美国航空的需求而研制的三发动机中远程宽机身 客机,也曾军用,现已停产 [1]。 DC-10载客量较B747少,航程与 波音747 相近,既可以执飞横跨美国本土的航线,又可飞越洋国际航线。 开发计划在1967年 道格拉斯公司 和 麦克唐纳公司 合并后展开。 1966年,美国航空提出1970年代需要一种经济性好、对机场配套设施的需要符合当时普遍水平,载客量300人左右的大型 客机。 道格拉斯公司 为了 …
McDonnel Douglas DC-10-30 performance - aircraft investigation
The DC-10-30 has a longer range and was a good alternative for many airlines on long-haul flights for which the 747 was too large. The -30 was also offered as a convertible (-30CF) and as a cargo aircraft (-30F). The -30CF made the 1st flight on 28 February 1973 and in April 1973 the 1st was delivered. The -30 was the best-selling version.
85-0032 United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender (DC ...
2023年5月15日 · McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender (DC-10-30CF) with registration 85-0032 airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names
DC-10 - The McDonnell Douglas Website
The Douglas DC-10 is a three engines wide body jet airliner. It has the capability for medium to long haul flights and could carry a maximum of 380 passengers in a 1 class configuration.
麦道DC-10-30 - 百度百科
麦道DC-10-30是麦道公司研发的一款远程型客机,主要用于远程国际航线。 麦道DC-10远程型。 机体与DC-10-10相同, 翼展 增加3.05米,增加燃油箱,航程增加到10,010公里,主要用于远程 国际航线。 载客270~380人。 由于最大起飞重量增加,所以在机身下主起落架之间又增加一起落架。 采用3台CF6-50A或-50C,或-50C1,C2或C2B 涡轮风扇发动机,单台推力218.0千牛(22227公斤),或227千牛(23163公斤),或233.5千牛(23827公斤),或236千 …
民航百科航空器介绍 麦克唐纳.道格拉斯DC-10系列介绍_百度文库
DC-10-30CF:客货型。 在-30型的基础上机身前部增加了一个3.56米×2.59米的大型货舱门,并对机身进行了加强。 载货64860千克可跨洋远程飞行,飞国内航线可载货70620千克。 装3台CF6-50C1涡扇发动机,单台推力233.5千牛 (23800公斤)。 座椅可快速拆卸和安装。 载客量380人,如果需要也可客货两用。 货舱内可铺设装货滚珠、滚棒系统,装货导轨可调节。 上层货舱可装运30个LD-3标准集装箱,下层货舱可装5个标准集装箱和16个尺寸为标准集装箱一半的小型集装 …
DC-10-30CF - This Day in Aviation
Based on the DC-10-30CF commercial transport, this aerial tanker can carry 356,000 pounds of fuel (161,479 kilograms). Using a “flying boom” to refuel Air Force aircraft in flight, it also is equipped with “hose and drogue” system to refuel U.S. Navy and Marine airplanes. Both systems can be used simultaneously.
AirHistory.net - McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender (DC-10-30CF ...
Carries the markings of the USAF Air Mobility Command's 305th AMW and 514th AMW located at McGuire AFB, New Jersey. Taken on charge new by the USAF in 1982. Put into long term storage at Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona, in October 2022. Possibly the last time a KC-10 will visit Europe as the remaining aircraft are due to be retired next month.
McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 Technical data - Ultimate Specs
The DC-10-30 has 3 center landing gears. In total were delivered 386 units of the DC-10 of all versions: DC-10-10, DC-10-30, DC-10-40. Versions: DC-10-30 - 163 units built. DC-10-30CF - 27 units built. DC-10-30ER (extended range) - 6 units built and 5 units of the DC-30-30 converted. DC-10-30AF (freight version) - 10 units built.
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