McDonnell Douglas DC-9 - Wikipedia
The original DC-9 (later designated the Series 10) was the smallest DC-9 variant. The -10 was 104.4 ft (31.8 m) long and had a maximum weight of 82,000 lb (37,000 kg). The Series 10 was …
DC-9-10 - 百度百科
DC-9-10系列由原道格拉斯飞机公司(后合并为 麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司)设计,是一款民用窄体双发 客机,用来满足当时民航机市场对于一种较低噪音窄体中短程客机的需求。 DC-9-10的设 …
McDonnell Douglas DC-9-10 - Aero Corner
The DC-9-10 has a travel range of 600 nautical miles with maximum payload of 18,000 kg, and 1,450 nautical miles if flying with full fuel. The aircraft has a maximum cruise speed of 484 …
dc-9-10型基础上机身加长4.55米,翼展加大1.93米,增设前缘缝翼,选用推力更大的jt8d-15发动机,最大航程3095km,可载客115人。 DC-9-30型是DC-9系列的生产最多的型号,总产量662架。
麥道DC-9 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DC-9-10型加長4.54米,是DC-9系列的生產最多的形號,總產量達到662架。 最大航程3,095公里,可搭乘115人。 除了引擎與骨架外,設計和30型相同,較30型長1.88米,選用更有力的引 …
横贯航史—DC-9一家 - 哔哩哔哩
DC-9-10系列是DC-9家族中唯一没有前缘缝翼的机型系列,工程师认为,DC-9-10系列的起降所需跑道要求都不高,并无设计前缘缝翼的需要,且DC-9-10新款的机翼设计采用了极高升力的优 …
McDonnell Douglas DC-9-10/20/30 - Airliners.net
No other airliner in history has undergone more development than the prolific DC-9/MD-80/MD-90/717 series, which started life with the 70 seat DC-9-10 of the early sixties. Douglas …
DOUGLAS DC-9-10 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The McDonnell Douglas DC-9 (initially known as the Douglas DC-9) is a twin-engine, single-aisle jet airliner. It was first manufactured in 1965 with its maiden flight later that year. The DC-9 …
麦道DC-9 - 百度百科
DC-9-20,高温高原型,加大发动机推力, 翼展 加大1.2米,仍载90名乘客;DC-9-10的改进型,采用-10型的机身以及-30型的引擎,翼展加大1.2米。比-10型加大了发动机推力和燃油量, …
Ultimate Guide to DOUGLAS DC-9-10 Specifications [+Detailed …
2024年3月31日 · The DC-9-10’s specifications, including its dimensions, weight, engines, range, passenger capacity, and cruise speed, collectively shape its suitability for short- to medium …