Understanding DD217N and DD217 Discharge Certificates
This is also called a "Certificate of Service Card", or more formally, "Certificate of Service - Armed Forces of the United States). It states: "This is to certify that (name) honorably served on active duty in the (branch of service)" and also provides the dates of active duty. To see an actual example for yourself, please just click here: DD ...
Difference Between DD-214 and DD-217: Air Force Discharge …
Here's a clear explanation:There is no such thing as a "217 Air Force discharge." The official document used by all branches of the US military, including the Air Force, to record a service member's discharge is the DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty.
What is a DD 217? - Answers
A DD 217 is a discharge certificate.
Understanding DD Form 217: Military Documentation Explained
What does a DD 217 N mean? Stateside. No - I am the wife of a Navy veteran, just curious
Difference Between DD-214 and DD-217 | Military Law Q&A
A U.S. Navy Veteran has DD-217N - Certifcate of Service - Armed Forces of the United States. Is this equivalent to
Is DD 217 still issued? > Hall Of Heroes > AR15.COM
2010年12月24日 · I have my DD 214 but am trying to replace my worn out DD 217 AF. The National Personel Center says that they do not issue a DD 217. Just wondering if the modern military does use the DD 217. I belive that it is called a "Discharge Certificate". My DD 214 is needed to get a CCW in the city of Phila., PA.
What is a DD form 217A? - Answers
2023年8月19日 · Want this question answered? Be notified when an answer is posted 📣 Request Answer
Will a dd-217n qualify me for hearing aids I was in the
Your DD-217N will not likely be sufficient to obtain VA eligibility though since it does not contain your more detailed service information, like a DD-214 or what ever other discharge document (DD-217 is just a certificate) that was issued when you left the service.
My dd214 form 217 mc. 9 july 1962 usmc disch."264-paragraph …
Customer: my dd214 form 217 mc. 9 july 1962 usmc disch."264-paragraph 13265.1c & 89-Para 1326.1f what do these two paragraphs mean ?
How can I get a replacement for my Form 217 AF. NO…you
Customer: How can I get a replacement for my Form 217 AF Lawyer's Assistant: I understand the importance of replacing your Form 217 AF. Have you already contacted the issuing authority for guidance on obtaining a replacement? Customer: NO…you sre first contact Lawyer's Assistant: When did you realize your Form 217 AF was missing or damaged? Customer: 07/10/2024 Lawyer's Assistant: Ok. Thanks ...