Daniel Defense AR-15 9.5 Lite Free-Float FSP Carbine Rail DD-2002
Daniel Defense AR-15 Lite 9.5 FSP Carbine Rail DD-2002 is a highly versatile method of mounting accessories to your AR-15 carbine that also lets you use your standard front post sights. These durable Daniel Defense mounts feature a small opening in the front of the top rail, just large enough for the front sight post to peek through for use in ...
Daniel Defense Lite Rail II 9.5 FSP Free Float Handguard Quad Rail
The Daniel Defense Lite Rail is a 1-piece, Free Float Handguard featuring an uninterrupted upper rail platform, 6061-T6 Aircraft Grade Aluminum construction and a Type III Hard Coat …
【干货】丹尼尔防御公司(Daniel Defense)历史及产品简介 - 哔哩 …
这款AR-15系枪械采用了丹尼尔自家的上下机匣组件和护手,标准的A2枪口消焰器,标准的A2小握把,标准的M16/4大三角准星座,但枪托、弹匣等组件用的是magpul的产品。 不管怎样说,这是丹尼尔防御进军整枪市场的开始,在此之后,公司的规模也不断扩大,公司的影响力也在稳步提升。 DD M4. 2012年、2013年、2014年,丹尼尔防御公司连续三年被评为总价值增长最快的美国私营企业之一,2017年秋,丹尼尔防御最新的占地三十万平方英尺的新加工中心在乔治亚州正式成 …
AR15 Lite Rail 9.5 FSP, Carbine - Extreme Tactical
The Daniel Defense 9.5 FSP Free Float Rail System features a cut in the front of the top rail to accommodate the front sight post and gas block of a carbine length AR15 gas system, while at the same time, providing much needed additional rail space along the sides and bottom rails.
Daniel Defence RIS II FSP 9.5英寸AR-15兼容系统护木【RIS II FSP 9…
2023年10月14日 · DanielDefenceRISIIFSP9.5英寸护木是SOPMODBlockII项目的其中一部分,用以替换USSOCOM现役标准M4CQBR或Mk18的护木。 使用轻便耐用的航空铝合金制造,配有4条导轨以安装额外的设备和配件。 该护木不兼容M203下挂榴弹发射器。 商人交换. 总览类型护木重量0.3kg占用格数2x1商人购买Peacekeeper等级3性能后坐力-1%人机工效+7发热-1.2%冷却+3.9%介绍DanielDefenceRISIIFSP9.5英寸护木是SOPMODBlockII项目的其中一部分,用以 …
Daniel Defense M4 9.5 Free Floating FSP Rail DD1002
Features of Daniel Defense Free Float 9.5 FSP Mounting Rail: Professional grade, gas-tube mounted rail system for M4 and AR-15 carbines; Front portion of top rail removed to allow front sight use; Innovative design also maximizes side and under-barrel rails; Free floating rail design increases accuracy
M4A1 FSP Rail Interface System, RIS II (FDE) | Daniel Defense
The Daniel Defense Rail Interface System (RIS II) was designed at the request of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) for the SOPMOD II program. SOCOM had a specific requirement for a free float M203 solution and Daniel Defense responded, designing a revolutionary product to meet the government’s need.
Daniel Defense M4 9.5 FSP - top gun supply
The Daniel Defense 9.5 FSP Carbine is a Free Float Rail System provides additional rail space by using a cutout in the top to for the gas block allowing the side and bottom rails to extend beyond to sight post. Comes with ladder type rail covers. Tools are …
Daniel Defense Licensed OmegaX rail 9" FSP - Madbull
The Omega X FSP Rails offer a smooth transition from the upper receiver offering the most useable rail space. It features a continuous upper rail platform along with integrated sling swivels. Integrated sling mounts also feature limited rotation and ambidextrous points.
Daniel Defense M4A1 FSP Rail Interface System RIS II - OpticsPlanet
2020年3月25日 · Two-Piece Design for USSOCOM Allows For the Attachment of an M203 Grenade Launcher When Lower Rail Section is Removed. All Daniel Defense products carry a 100% satisfaction guarantee against defects in original materials and workmanship.