URG-I - 枪炮世界
URG-I全称是 “改进型上机匣组(Upper Receiver Group, Improved)”,该项目是美国陆战特种作战司令部(USASOC)在2017年发起的一项对现役的 SOPMOD II 进行升级改造的招标计划。 该项目的出现,一方面是因为近些年来不再流行四面导轨的护木设计(详见我发表在其他平台的文章 《皮卡汀尼导轨与两种后来竞争者》),有一些士兵或单位会自己购置其他护木去更换丹尼尔防务公司(DD)的护木,如 TORY 的ALPHA,或Geissele的SMR MK4等等。 因此USASOC干脆 …
14.5" URGI Loadout – Help - Help – T.REX ARMS
For those not familiar, URGI stands for Upper Receiver Group Improved. The parts we used do not perfectly match what USASOC is using because we are not cloners. Still, we used very high-quality parts and trust that the rifle will perform to the same high standards as the issued rifles.
SDGun电玩讨论区urgi爱好者进!浅谈urgi还原注意事项及配件搭 …
2024年5月16日 · URGI全称是 “改进型上机匣组(Upper Receiver Group-Improved)”,该项目是美国陆战特种作战司令部(USASOC)在2017年发起的一项对现役的sopmod II进行升级改造的招标计划。 而军迷一般用该项目名称(urgi)指代美军特战新型AR步枪,即以公发军版M4A1下机匣为基础,搭配项目中标的URGI上机匣所组成的“M4A1”。 1. DDC色的mk16护木. 2. DDC色geissele空降拉机柄. 3. 如果玩14.5寸管则需选用复刻的14.5寸的中程导气DD冷锻gov枪 …
DD RIS III vs URGI vs BCM > AR Discussions - AR15.COM
2024年12月20日 · Looking to get a new upper and narrowed it down to a URGI by thoroughbred armament, BCM 14.5 and DD RIS III 14.5 Which one would be the best for an overall reliable ar15?
SDGun电玩讨论区求问大佬们菌版urgi什么配置啊SDGUN,水弹,水 …
2023年8月15日 · URGI直译过来就是“上机闸组改进型”,放在玩具里比较明显的特征就是G家的鱼骨、搭配G家的伞兵拉机柄。 细致一点的话可以配上SF4P的帽子、DD的重型外管。 至于握把、后托、弹匣倒是挺无所谓的。 毕竟真冰也是用啥的都有。 除非你要指明复刻特定部队的特定造型。 URGI直译过来就是“上机闸组改进型”,放在玩具里比较明显的特征就是G家的鱼骨、搭配G家的伞兵拉机柄。 细致一点的话可以配上SF4P的帽子、DD的重型外管。 至于握把、后托、弹匣倒 …
DD M4A1 Block II or Geissele URGI? - AR15.COM
2020年5月18日 · I have a brand new DD M4A1 RIS II rail and my Colt upper ready to go, but I can't decide if I want to build it up or try to get a Geissele Mk16 rail instead. I know Geissele is out of stock and it doesn't seem like the 13.5" Mk16s are popping up on the EE often.
URGI Barrel Kit featuring Daniel Defense 14.5" mid-length barrel …
The URGI 14.5" Daniel Defense Barrel Kit with clone-correct LPGB and Surefire 4-Prong is a comprehensive package for building a military-standard upper receiver group (URG) that reflects the latest specifications used by the USASOC.
Geissele URGI vs DD MK18 - AR15.COM
2020年3月23日 · MK18 out of the two, personally. It's just a much stronger rail. If you want something more modern, I'd skip the URGI and get the 11.5 Super Duty. It doesn't require the set screws that push against the sides of the receiver.
14.5" Daniel Defense/Geissele MK16 DDC - URGI
URGI CLONE-Daniel Defense CHF 14.5" Mid Gov 556 1/7 Chrome lined bore and chamber with pinned Daniel Defense lpgb or Geissele Super Gas BLock pinned-Geissele MK16 DDC NSN Marked rail (please note Geissele started using steal QD inserts on the MK16 Rails - yes the military is getting the same ones - Confirmed with Geissele)-PRI Gas Tube
URGI - 月海TRPG - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
美国陆军特种作战司令部已经决定将采用URGI(upper receiver group-improved,改进型上机匣组),URGI将取代USASOC现役的BLOCK II M4A1 URG,作为未来的主力卡宾枪。 比起BLOCK II URG,URGI的改进之处在于: 将DD RIS II四向导轨护手替换为GEISSELE MK16 M-LOK护手;
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