What Are Destination Delivery Charges (DDC) in Shipping?
A Destination Delivery Charge (DDC) is an accessorial charge levied by carriers and is used to cover crane lifts, container drayage, and terminal/gate fees when moving full-container load (FCL) shipments.
海运业务中DDC费用是什么 ? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年7月27日 · 即目的地交货费DDC--全称是Destination Delivery Charge,在DDU、DDP等条款中,这个费用才有卖方/发货方shipper负担,否则都是由买方/收货方consignee支付。 比如CIF条款-买方/收货方负担货物在装运港越过船舷后的…
Understanding Destination Delivery Charge (DDC) in Shipping
2024年10月21日 · DDC charges in shipping refer to the fees that cover the delivery of goods to the final destination after they arrive at a port or distribution center. These charges typically fall on the consignee—the person or company receiving the shipment.
Destination Delivery Charge (DDC) - DHL Freight Connections
2025年2月25日 · Destination Delivery Charge is an additional fee charged by the carrier for transporting Full Container Load (FCL) shipment, mostly destined for the US ports. The charge is used to upset the cost of using the cranes and gate fee at the terminal.
What is DDC (Destination Delivery Charge)? - Seabay
DDC, or Destination Delivery Charge, is an additional fee imposed by carriers on cargo transported to its final destination. This charge covers the cost associated with handling, processing, and delivering the goods from the port or terminal to …
DDC Definition
What is DDC? A DDC, or destination Delivery Charge, is a charge levied by shipping lines to cover additional costs associated with delivering cargo to specific ports or destinations. These charges are typically applied when cargo is transported to areas that might involve extra handling, storage, or logistical complexities.
货代费用中 BAF、DDC 分别指什么? - 外贸日报
2024年7月10日 · 含义: DDC 即目的港交货费,是货物到达目的港后,从码头到收货人指定地点的交货费用。 应用:这项费用通常由收货人承担,特别是在CIF(成本加保险费加运费)或DDP(完税后交货)贸易条款下,确保货物从目的港卸货后能顺利送达最终目的地。 特点:DDC可能包括目的港的各种杂费,如内陆运输、清关代理费等,具体费用根据目的地和物流服务而定。 BAF 是因应燃油价格变动而收取的附加费,而 DDC 则是货物到达目的港后,为完成 …
2017年1月16日 · Another term used in certain ocean carrier and/or shipping conference 'tariffs' to describe the terminal charge assessed against ocean cargo delivered at certain destination ports. It covers the same services as a terminal receiving charge (TRC), or a terminal handling charge (THC), or traditional wharfage charge and/or terminal handling charges.
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Also known as DDC, with the Destination Delivery Charge, carriers add this cost for transporting FCLs (full container loads) at various US destination ports and terminals. In the shipping industry, there is not set universal charge for every carrier’s Destination Delivery Charge.
ddc是海運費中什麼的縮寫,DDC是海運費中 ... - 櫻桃知識
2021年2月8日 · DDC(Destination Deliery Charges)指的是目的港交貨費,也稱:到港提貨費,其性質類似HKG的THC(吊櫃費)。 當然可以預付也可以到付,美國加拿大航線出現此類費用較常見。