Help Opening .DFT File (Solid Edge?) | SOLIDWORKS Forums
2017年3月29日 · Can you guys help me find a downloadable viewer that will open this file? Thank you all in advance.
Like solidedge revision manager | SOLIDWORKS Forums
2008年11月12日 · Hi; Before I was using solidedge,Now I started using solidworks.In solidedge they have an supporting software called Revison Manager.It helps us in renaming,in replacing and in copying of assemblies,Subassemblies and in part file without affecting the link. For eg:A small Eg:Lets say a assembly draft file which contains 3 parts A,B,C.Later I like to replace the Part B by part C In dft file ...
importing solid edge files | SOLIDWORKS Forums
how can i import solid edge part file, assembly & dft file in solid works 2013
Trying to check in unknown file type creates error - SolidWorks
2011年3月23日 · I have a .dft file which I wish to check in to the vault. I have created a file card for this item but when I try and check the item in I get the error "The file-format plugin cannot handle this file because there is a component missing" Is this a PDM problem or is it the actual file?
Run a macro during a PDM Task | SOLIDWORKS Forums
2017年9月15日 · Hello I'm not so experienced with the SW / EPDM Api. I need to run a simple piece of code during a EPDM task. We need to generate a dxf and a pdf from a .dft file (Solid Edge). I've tried to replace the convert () function by my code with no success. Dim objApp As SolidEdgeFramework.Application Dim objDoc As SolidEdgeDraft.DraftDocument Dim objSheet As SolidEdgeDraft.Sheet Dim FilePath_VA As ...
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Storing .dwt files in Enterprise PDM | SOLIDWORKS Forums
Shouldn't Enterprise PDM allow me to store ANY file type in the vault? In a perfect world, I could include the file extension on a particular file data card and add the file extension to the list of file extensions in the Administration tool, right? But in the case of Autocad templates, (.dwt files), Enterprise PDM allows me to check the file into the vault and retrieve the file. But when I ...
No solid data in file when opening STEP file - SolidWorks
2017年11月9日 · I downloaded a step file. I got this error. is this step file corrupted? After hitting OK button, nothing displayed.
Reading Light training files | SOLIDWORKS Forums
I am a new begginer with Solid Works ( just bought the student licence) and am doing the initial training with the reading light exercise. I have completed the shade part desing and starting the assembly exercise. But I can not find where to get the reading light assembly files to practice. Appreciate the help to find or get the complete assembly files. Thanks. Paulo
Dissolving a .STEP file | SOLIDWORKS Forums
I've asked this question before and for the last year I've been able to dissolve a file until now. *In System Options>Import, enable 3D Interconnect. *Then drop down the File Format list and select STEP/IGES/ACIS. Here you can choose how you want the imported file to be structured. *With 3D Interconnect on, after import, right click the root feature in the tree and select Dissolve Feature ...