Profiling gene expression in the human dentate gyrus granule cell …
2020年3月16日 · Here laser capture microdissection followed by RNA sequencing (LCM-seq) was used to transcriptomically profile the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (DG-GCL) in human hippocampus and ...
DG-GCL基因表达图谱揭示精神分裂症内幕 - 科学网
2020年3月24日 · 在 DG-GCL 中鉴定出的约 900 万个表达定量性状基因座中,在海马体中 15% 未检测到,包括 15 个精神分裂症风险变异。 他们从 DG-GCL 创建了转录组范围的关联研究遗传权重,该遗传权重确定了大量海马体在转录组范围的关联研究中未发现的许多精神分裂症相关的遗传信号,包括 GRM3 和 CACNA1C。 这些结果凸显了有针对性的采样策略(如 LCM)和人脑中的完整匀浆和单核方法所提供的更高的生物分辨率。 据悉,特定的细胞群可能对精神分裂症有独特 …
The dentate gyrus: fundamental neuroanatomical organization …
The DG is divided into a molecular layer (ml) a granule cell layer (gcl) and a polymorphic layer (pl). The molecular layer is divided into three sublayers based on the laminar organization of inputs. The hippocampus is divided into CA3, CA2 and CA1 subfields.
Assessments of dentate gyrus function: discoveries and debates
2023年6月14日 · There has been considerable speculation regarding the function of the dentate gyrus (DG) — a subregion of the mammalian hippocampus — in learning and memory. In this Perspective article, we...
Nectin-3 modulates the structural plasticity of dentate ... - Nature
2017年9月5日 · To estimate the volume of the granule cell layer (GCL) of dorsal DG, images were captured at × 100 using a DP72 camera (Olympus) fitted to the microscope. The GCL was outlined and its area...
transcriptional landscape of the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (DG-GCL) in human hippocampus, and contrasted to homogenate tissue. We identified widespread cell type-specific aging and genetic effects in the DG-GCL that were either missing or directionally discordant in
分析人类齿状回颗粒细胞层中的基因表达,揭示了对精神分裂症及 …
在 dg-gcl 中鉴定的约 900 万个表达数量性状基因座中,15% 未在海马体中检测到,包括 15 种精神分裂症风险变异体。 我们从 DG-GCL 创建了全转录组关联研究遗传权重,GRM3和CACNA1C。
Spatial Representations of Granule Cells and Mossy Cells of the …
2017年2月8日 · The dentate gyrus (DG) is the only region of the hippocampus that contains two distinct, excitatory cell types. Granule cells, located in the densely packed granule cell layer (GCL), are by far the most numerous cell type in the DG (Amaral et al., 1990).
新研究发现与精神分裂症发展有关的大脑细胞基因表达_产经_前瞻 …
2020年4月4日 · 通过分析这些数据,研究人员能够识别齿状回 (DG-GCL)颗粒细胞层的特定基因表达特征,以及其他与海马体其他部分共享的基因表达特征。 将海马体这些不同部位的细胞特异性进行对比是研究人员分析的主要焦点。 另一名参与这项研究的研究人员Thomas Hyde表示:“从方法学的角度来看,许多研究人员已经使用所谓的单核RNA测序 (snRNA-seq),从在脑组织匀浆上进行实验变为在单个细胞核上进行实验。 然而,这些优化过的方法仍然不能很好地描述基因表 …
Cell type-specific genetic regulation of expression in the ... - bioRxiv
2019年4月17日 · Laser capture microdissection followed by RNA-seq (LCM-seq) was used to profile the transcriptional landscape of the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (DG-GCL) in human hippocampus, and contrasted to homogenate tissue.