Projects – DG GROUP
The DG Difference. Our communities exude a strong sense of place and belonging. Methodically planned and intricately designed, each is an exercise in fine balance: architecture in harmony with urban design. We build based on active transportation, where natural infrastructure, public spaces and community institutions are easily accessible to all.
DG Group creates in delicate balance. Our journey is guided by preservation, care and innovation — all three serve to harmoniously integrate our communities within the existing ecosystem.
Brand Portal – DG GROUP
CDG Group is the umbrella brand that unifies eight companies engaged in various sectors of the infrastructure, development, and construction industry. Together, the companies in this portfolio provide cost effective solutions to create and enhance liveable, thriving communities.
Terms of Use – DG GROUP
All trademarks, logos, and service marks (the “Trademarks”) displayed on the Website are registered and unregistered trademarks of DG Group and others, and may not be used by you in any way without the express written permission of DG Group or the owner of such Trademark.
Community Partnerships – DG GROUP
The partnerships we have built enable DG Group to mitigate the negative impacts on biodiversity and leave our areas improved. In the ecosystems of our communities, people live and thrive in harmony with their surroundings; our partnerships are the environment that nourishes them.
Integrated Living - DG GROUP
Protecting while enhancing the land is the philosophy DG Group is built on. Integrated across place and time, our communities transcend themselves. More than collections of homes they become active agents of sustainability and preservation: infrastructure mimics topography, architecture protects heritage.
Educating A New Generation – DG GROUP
cdg companies DG GRoup condrain group concast STRADA aggregates strada crush deg services crowle stormcon. HEAD OFFICE 30 Floral Parkway, Concord, ON. L4K 4R1 . GOOGLE MAPS | WAZE. CONTACT. P: 905.669.5571 E: [email protected]. PRIVACY POLICY OUR ACCESSIBILITY PLAN BRAND PORTAL ...
Water - DG GROUP
With water management, DG Group prioritizes what others often overlook. Preserving the natural cycles of a community’s water is essential to preserving the integrity, sustainability and footprint of the community itself.
Contact Us - DG GROUP
cdg companies DG GRoup condrain group concast STRADA aggregates strada crush deg services crowle stormcon. HEAD OFFICE 30 Floral Parkway, Concord, ON. L4K 4R1 . GOOGLE MAPS | WAZE. CONTACT. P: 905.669.5571 E: [email protected]. PRIVACY POLICY OUR ACCESSIBILITY PLAN BRAND PORTAL ...
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