Dangerous Goods Labels - JALCARGO
Limited quantities of dangerous goods to meet the provisions specified in IATA/DGR. Take measures according to the respective contents. Keep people and cargo away under instructions of the supervisor.
Dangerous Goods Labels - ANA Cargo
The recommendation defines dangerous goods into nine distinct classes and several divisions within. Please select from the categories below to read more about each class and its divisions. Signals, distress. Articles and substances which have a fire hazard.
Specialized - DGR - Korean Air Cargo
'Specialized - DGR' provides safe transportation of Dangerous Goods (DG) to the destination based on the standard DG procedures and regulations established by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
IATA《危险品规则》第66版(2025)的重大变化和修订 | 中国民用 …
2024年10月15日 · 本文主要译自IATA官网(https://www.iata.org/en/programs/cargo/dgr/)发布文件。 以下内容旨在帮助用户识别本版本中引入的主要变更,不应为详尽的变化。 下面将以发生变化/修订的章节或小结顺序展开叙述。
IATA DGR Quick Reference Card.pdf - 1.4E 1.4G 2.1 2.2 2.3 3...
2022年9月24日 · Basic information on Dangerous Goods Handling Classification and Identification Caution: for complete details refer to the current dangerous goods regulations or company operations manual.
DGR-instructions - Korean Air Cargo
Radionuclides or isotopes for medical or industrial purposes, such as Cobalt 60, Caesium 131 and lodine 132. A liquid or solid that causes full thickness destruction of intact skin tissue or has a severe corrosion rate on other materials. Any substance which presents a danger during air transportation that is not covered by other classes.
Packages requiring segregation can be physically restrained, or separated by other, non-dangerous cargo. and implement local company emergency procedures.
Dangerous Goods - Air China Cargo Co., Ltd.
Dangerous goods refer to substances that fall under one or more of the 9 classes and divisions of dangerous goods as specified in the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods published by the United Nations.
[中文]IATA 空运危规 (危险品规则)DGR 第66版-水运信息资料网
2025年1月1日起强制生效执行,DGR是IATA国际航空运输协会发行的被广大航空公司广泛认可的空运危险品运输规约。 国际航空运输协会 (International Air Transport Association -- IATA) 是一个由世界各国航空公司所组成的大型国际组织,其前身是1919年在海牙成立并在二战时解体的国际航空业务协会。 1944年12月,出席芝加哥国际民航会议的一些政府代表和顾问以及空运企业的代表聚会,商定成立一个委员会为新的组织起草章程。 1945年4月16日在哈瓦那会议上修改并通过 …
IATA - Dangerous Goods Manuals
The Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) product portfolio contains standards originally developed by airlines to allow the safe and efficient carriage of restricted articles. These manuals and regulations are also operational guidelines that translate often complicated requirements written in legal text into a more comprehensible language for ...