Dangerous Goods Labels - JALCARGO
RPB: Pesticide, Agricultural chemicals, Disinfectant, Dye, Mercury compound, Medicinal goods, etc. ... Very small quantities of dangerous goods to meet the provisions specified in IATA/DGR. Take measures according to the respective contents. Keep people and cargo away under instructions of the supervisor. TS-DG260 (PDF Approx 43KB)
LHO Living human organs/blood RPB Toxic substance LIC License required RPG Toxic gas MAL Mail RRE Excepted Packages of Radioactive Material MUW Munitions of war RRW Radioactive material, Category l-white ... DGR Dangerous Goods Regulations Y Rate class code indicating ULD discount as used in the Dir. Direct rate class box of the AWB
IATA《危险品规则》第66版(2025)的重大变化和修订 | 中国民用 …
2024年10月15日 · 在第6章中包含了许多注释,这些注释为按照dgr第63版本制造和标记的气瓶的继续使用做出了规定等。 7-标记和标签. -锂电池标记已更名为电池标记。锂电池标签已重命名为锂电池或钠离子电池标签。 8-文件
危险物品标签 - ANA Cargo
rpb: 毒物: pdf: 金属砷、石炭酸、氰化物、二硝基苯胺、氯化第二汞、尼古丁、氟化钠、氟硅化镁: 漏泄:没有危险的话,可改变容器位置,尽可能防止漏泄或与其他货物接触。 6.2 ris: 易传染病毒物质: pdf: 肝炎、小儿麻痹病毒(非疫苗)有导致人类发病危险
RPB Toxic substance RPG Toxic Gas RRE Excepted Packages of Radioactive Material RRW Radioactive Material Category I-White RRY Radioactive Material Categories II-Yellow and III-Yellow RSB Polymeric Beads RSC Spontaneously Combustible RXB Explosives 1.4B RXC Explosives 1.4C RXD Explosives 1.4D RXE Explosives 1.4E RXG Explosives 1.4G
Specialized - DGR - Korean Air Cargo
RPB: Liquids or solids which are dangerous if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Arsenic, Nicotine, Cyanide, Pesticides, Strychnine. Some are totally forbidden,e.g. Bromoacetone: Infectious Substance Division 6.2 RIS: Substances which are known or reasonably expected to contain pathogens and cause disease in humans or in animals.
etc., manufactured and marked in accordance with the 63rd edition of the DGR. 7—Marking and Labelling—The lithium battery mark has been renamed as the battery mark.—The lithium battery label has been renamed as the lithium battery or sodium ion battery label. 8—Documentation
IATA DGR Quick Reference Card.pdf - 1.4E 1.4G 2.1 2.2 2.3 3...
2022年9月24日 · IATA_DGR_Quick_Reference_Card.pdf. View full document. Students also studied. Review Test Submission_ Quiz 4 – 202030 Summer 2020 AVIA.._.pdf ... 4.1 RFS Flammable solid 4.2 RSC Spontaneously combustible 4.3 RFW Dangerous when wet 5.1 ROX Oxidizer 5.2 ROP Organic peroxides 6.1 RPB Toxic substances 6.2 …
Dangerous Goods - Air China Cargo Co., Ltd.
RPB: Toxic substances: Item 6.2: RIS: Infectious substances: Radioactive substances. Classification and sub-items of danger Label of dangerous goods Corresponding code Description of dangerous goods; Category 7: RRW: Radioactive substances: RRY: Radioactive substances: RRY: Radioactive substances:
[中文]IATA 空运危规 (危险品规则)DGR 第66版-水运信息资料网
dgr空运危规是iata发行的空运危险品运输规则, 被全球各大航空公司承认, 具有50多年历史, 是空运行业最权威, 最全面, 最新, 最易用的参考资料; 其在空中运输行业的地位等同于IMDG CODE在海运运输行业;