Home Page - DHHS CFS - Nebraska
Click here to start a new Central Registry self-check. This process checks if your name appears on the Nebraska Child and/or Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registries.
Abuse and Neglect Central Registry
Nebraska Law (Rev. Stat. 28-718 and 28-376) states the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) must keep records of persons who DHHS or the courts find responsible for abuse and neglect of a child or vulnerable adult. DHHS maintains these records in the Nebraska Adult and Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry.
Home Page - DHHS CFS - Nebraska
DHHS charges a fee in order to process a Central Registry check. Fees are payable online by credit/debit card or electronic check (ACH). Fees will be listed as “DHHS Central Reg Check”. Process: Do not use a mobile device for this request. This can lead to …
ACCESSNebraska - Department of Health and Human Services
My Benefits Dashboard: Provides Nebraskans with a centralized location for viewing their current benefits, including helpful links to take action on their benefits programs. Nebraskans will be able to view: Alerts to notify them of actions they need to complete. Ability to view correspondence and letters from DHHS.
Central Registry Applicant - Department of Health and Human …
Starting a Self-Check on the Central Registry portal ensures results will be available only to you. You can begin your self-check by going directly to the portal and clicking New Self Check Request.
Central Registry Requests - Department of Health and Human …
Log in to the Central Registry Portal and access your Business or Organization Select View Registry Checks to retrieve all invitations and checks associated with your Business or Organization. You will be able to view: Active Check Requests Pending Completion by Individuals Active Check Requests Pending Completion by Individuals
HHS License Search - Nebraska.gov
6 天之前 · Agency Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 Phone: (402) 471-3121 Contact Us General Disclaimer
Home Page - DHHS CFS - Nebraska
Are you SURE you wish to perform a SELF Check. If you are needing to complete this request for an organization or business, please access this page from the email you received from that organization or business or contact them in order to obtain the correct link. If you are needing these results for self-check purposes only, please proceed.
DHHS Criminal Background Checks - Basic Information
State Criminal history database for name check, sex offender registry, and child abuse/neglect registries from any other state of residency within the last five (5) years, if applicable.
Nebraska DHHS N-FOCUS : ACCESSNebraska
The account you create can be used to access your benefit information each time you return to this site. Must be currently applying or receiving benefits to use this feature.