DHI - We enable a sustainable future for water
DHI has been committed to advancing and sharing knowledge of water environments for over half a century. Working within the entire water cycle, we innovate new ways to use, manage and live with water and protect water-related ecosystems. We make a positive impact on the planet through our projects around the world.
Model domain, bathymetry and flexible mesh used for wave simulations in the Indian Ocean. Before switched over to MIKE 21 SW, the two-dimensional Offshore Spectral Wave model, MIKE OSW (DHI, 2001) was used to simulate the waves in …
软件产品 - DHI 中国
在市政管理中,从城市供水到排水,从雨洪利用到污水处理,从人工管理到智能化,DHI都能够根据用户的需求提供卓越的解决方案,包括前期规划设计、实施运行以及竣工后评估等不同阶 …
mike21 - 百度百科
远岸波谱模型(osw) 这是第三代谱波模型,用于模拟风生波的成长、衰落和转变以及外海地区的巨浪,并能够为NSW模型提供理想的外海波浪的边界条件。
Tom Johnson - Chief Operating Officer - DHI Water ... - LinkedIn
Chief Operating Officer, Americas · Principal Ocean and Coastal Engineer exceling in business leadership, tendering & contract capture, contract management, operations, and innovation. Mr. Johnson...
- 职位: Chief Operating Officer, Americas
- 位置: DHI Water & Environment, Inc.
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公司简介 - DHI 中国
丹华水利环境技术(上海)有限公司是DHI在中国成立的全资子公司,简称DHI 中国,拥有MIKE系列软件在中国的唯一销售权。 DHI的专业研究覆盖了整个水与环境领域,从河流、水库、海洋、海岸到城市和工厂。 我们50多年的潜心研究,创建并实践了无数的解决方案,以应对全球水与环境中的现实挑战。 因此,无论是水资源优化配置,提高水环境质量,水环境影响评价或优化调度,我们都可以为您提供专业的帮助。 DHI集团共有30多家分公司遍布全球各地,为当地客户提供便捷 …
丹华水利环境技术(上海)有限公司 · GitHub
丹华水利环境技术(上海)有限公司 是其在中国成立的全资子公司,简称 DHI 中国,拥有 MIKE 系列软件在中国的唯一销售权。 DHI 的专业研究覆盖了整个水与环境领域,从河流、水库、海洋、海岸到城市和工厂。 我们 50 多年的潜心研究,创建并实践了无数的解决方案,以应对全球水与环境中的现实挑战。 因此,无论是水资源优化配置,提高水环境质量,水环境影响评价或优化调度,我们都可以为您提供专业的帮助。 这是一个DHI 中国 业务中台 的Typescript Client SDK 开 …
DHI - GitHub
DHI has been committed to advancing and sharing knowledge of water environments for over 60 years. Every day, our more than 1,100 engineers and other specialists work within the entire water cycle to support decision-makers in the global water industry.
Home - THE ACADEMY by DHI Training Portal
Every year, thousands of water professionals engage in a wide array of diverse training activities, from webinars and self-paced courses to in-person user group meetings. Backed by over 200 skilled trainers worldwide, we also provide custom support to effectively navigate unique water management challenges.
Nordic Lexicon - DHI
In ÄVgL, the word is used in the context of disputes over a promised marriage arrangement. Meetings between the parties were governed by griþ, translated as ‘peace’, but in fact more in the nature of ‘safe conduct’ (as translated in YVgL). The dispute was to be resolved, in other words, without recourse to violence.
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