The DHS is a standalone module with double capacitive sensor, NFC and pocket lighting. This module is integrated into a DH, and used in Keyless Entry System, enabling 'key- free' Vehicle Unlocking and Locking.
STM32读取MQ4传感器、DHT11温湿度传感器、GP2Y1014AU0F夏 …
Korean Communications Commission Conformity Assessment Status for RFID radio equipment (13.56MHz frequency band) - DHS HMC NFC DL3 (DHS HMC NFC MQ4) with Authorization ID RR-TAL-DHSHMCNFCDL3.
【CW32模块使用】MQ-4甲烷检测传感器 - CSDN博客
2024年12月30日 · MQ-4气体传感器中对甲烷的 灵敏度 高,对丙烷,丁烷也有较好的灵敏度。 这种传感器可检测多种可燃性气体,特别是天然气,是一款适合多种应用的低成本传感器。 模块实物展示: 工作电压:3.3V ~ 5V. 工作电流:150MA. 输出方式: DO接口为数字量输出 AO接口为模拟量输出. 读取方式:ADC. 管脚数量:4 Pin(2.54mm间距排针) 以上信息见厂家资料文件. 我们的目标是将例程移植至CW32F030C8T6开发板上【能够判断当前环境状况的功能】。 首先要获 …
Master Question List for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)
2024年8月28日 · The Master Question List (MQL) is intended to quickly present the current state of available information to government decision makers in a possible operational response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and allow structured and scientifically guided discussions across the federal government without burdening them with the need to review scie...
Master Question List - Homeland Security
2024年1月25日 · The Master Question List (MQL) is intended to quickly present the current state of available information to government decision makers in the operational response to COVID-19 and allow structured and scientifically guided discussions across the federal government without burdening them with the need to review scientific reports, and to prevent d...
GitHub - DHSProgram/DHS-Indicators-Stata: Stata code to …
This project is aimed at providing Stata, SPSS, and R code for all DHS Program indicators listed in the Guide to DHS Statistics. The code is published on the DHS Program Github site which contains three repositories: DHS-Indicators-Stata, DHS-Indicators-SPSS, and DHS-Indicators-R. Users can download the code from these repositories or clone the ...
MQ-4甲烷检测传感器 | 立创开发板技术文档中心
2024年10月31日 · 这个文件定义了一个mq4气体传感器处理的线程,初始化了传感器的硬件抽象层,并设置了线程的优先级、栈大小和时间片。 线程的主要任务是周期性地读取mq4传感器的模拟输出电压,并转换为电压值,同时检查数字输出状态。读取到的数据会被打印到控制台。
MT4指标、EA文件类型安装使用说明 (ex4、mq4) 量子混沌
2023年8月1日 · 我们可以通过MT4上方的”工具”菜单下的MQ语言编译器进入编译器界面,左侧会看到整个MQL4目录结构。点击智能交易EA的”Experts”文件夹,就可以看到其中的mq4文件,双击文件即可在编译器中进行编辑。但是,编译器中是看不到ex4文件的。
The DHS Program - Data - Demographic and Health Surveys
Download harmonized DHS data and documentation for Africa and India to facilitate comparative research across time and countries. Integrate your own GIS data with DHS indicators data. Data are provided at the sub-national level in shapefiles. Access Malaria Indicator Survey datasets and documentation for malaria researchers.