DISA STIG Resources for SolarWinds NCM (Now also for Juniper!)
Open the Shared on Thwack tab Select one or multiple DISA STIG reports (use the Search tool to narrow down the content of the window) You will be asked for your Thwack credentials Looking for more information about the recent V8R16 update? How to use the NCM DISA STIG - Cisco.pdf, How to use the NCM DISA STIG - Juniper.pdf.
DISA STIG Compliance with Log & Event Manager - Product Blog ...
2015年6月29日 · SolarWinds Log & Event Manager can help with DISA STIG compliance via our real-time monitoring of related events across systems, network devices, applications, and security tools. Use LEM to address DISA STIG requirements …
DISA STIG Compliance Scan - Tenable, Inc.
2019年10月7日 · do anyone have a step by step on how to use ACAS to do a STIG compliance scan using ACAS?
DISA STIG against CentOS - Tenable, Inc.
With that being said, Tenable's current SCAP implementation doesn't support SCAP tailoring. I'm attaching a modified version of the DISA STIG SCAP content which you should be able to scan against a CentOS 7 target.
Importing DISA Stigs on air gapped network
2023年10月5日 · How to get Disa STIGS onto SolarWinds? When I download a Stig off Disa it is an xml file, but it doesn't keep the xml tree format so when I try to upload that to SolarWinds it says that it is not the correct format.
BigFix Compliance Updated DISA STIG Checklist for RHEL 8
2024年4月3日 · Product: BigFix Compliance Title: Updated DISA STIG Checklist for RHEL 8 with bug fixes Security Benchmark: DISA STIG Checklist for RHEL 8 Benchmark, V1,R12 Published Sites: DISA STIG Checklist for RHEL 8, site version 17 (The site version is provided for air-gap customers.) Details: Fixed and Improved implementation and added more remediation support …
BigFix Compliance: Updated DISA STIG Checklist for Windows …
2025年1月24日 · Product: BigFix Compliance Title: Updated DISA STIG Checklist for Windows Server 2019 Security Benchmark: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG SCAP Benchmark, V3R2 Published Sites: DISA STIG Checklist for Windows Server 2019, site version 18 (The site version is provided for air-gap customers.) Details: Both analysis and remediation checks are included …
DISA STIG V8R14 Updates - Forum - Network Configuration …
The devices covered in these templates are for Cisco Router, Switches, and Firewalls. These rules use a combination of regular expression and strings to check your configurations stored in your NCM database. General guidance about DISA STIG reports and NCM can be found here.
Filtering scan results based on DISA STIG Severity Level (CAT I, II, III)
2020年7月10日 · We are running DISA STIG scans on our assets. We looking to filter the failed scan results based on risk severity that DISA provides for each configuration/compliance check.
SCAP vs. Compliance STIG scan for Windows 10 - Tenable, Inc.
2020年3月8日 · Hello, We are trying to figure out the best method to scan a Windows 10 image for DISA compliance. I ran a SCAP scan with the proper STIG setting for Windows 10. The initial scan said the image was about 33% complaint. I set the correct STIG controls, scanned again with SCAP and managed to get it up to 73% complaint. However, I then ran a compliance …