HOME - DJ Spooky
The conceptual artist Paul Miller, also known as DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid, delivers a manifesto for rhythm science--the creation of art from the flow of patterns in sound and culture, "the changing same."
BIO - DJ Spooky
Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky was Executive Producer of Pioneers of African American Cinema, a collection of the first films made by African American Film Directors. Watch his interview on PBS about the series.
Rhythm Science - DJ Spooky
“Paul D. Miller – aka DJ Spooky, that Subliminal Kid – is an underground treasure. An African-American cultural theorist-cum-musician, his Rhythm Science (Mediaworks) is a sharp, sweetly designed little number, a manifesto for his way of looking at the world.
The Book of Ice - DJ Spooky
Drawing on the continent’s rich history of inspiring exploration and artistic endeavors, Paul D. Miller a.k.a. DJ Spooky has put together his own multimedia, multidisciplinary study of Antarctica. Book of Ice is one aspect of this ongoing project.
EVENTS - DJ Spooky
The conceptual artist Paul Miller, also known as DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid, delivers a manifesto for rhythm science--the creation of art from the flow of patterns in sound and culture, "the changing same."
time/life/beauty - DJ Spooky
Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky is a composer, multimedia artist, and writer blending genres, global culture, and environmental and social issues. Miller has collaborated with an array of recording artists, including Ryuichi Sakamoto, Metallica, Chuck D from Public Enemy, Steve Reich, and Yoko Ono amongst many others.
TERRA NOVA: Sinfonia Antarctica - DJ Spooky
Using digital media, video, and high tech recording equipment, DJ Spooky will go to Antarctica and paint an acoustic portrait of this rapidly transforming environment.
Eisenstein - DJ Spooky
DJ Spooky has been commissioned by Kino-Lorber to re-score legendary film maker Sergei Eisenstein’s lost classic film from 1930, ¡Que viva México!
Robeson - DJ Spooky
DJ Spooky has been commissioned by Kino-Lorber to restore the rare and digitally restored classic silent film Borderline from 1930. This is a hidden gem, and Paul Robeson’s first film in Europe. It will be released later in 2025.
Untitled Document [www.djspooky.com]
DJ Spooky是现时美国实验音乐的最前端分子,他绝顶的剪贴及混音技巧,利用唱盘与混音器,创作出独一无二的声响艺术。 DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid,是96年美国地下音乐最具争议性的名字之一。