Download Center - DJI
DJI Store A Must-Have App for DJI Users. Get official products at launch, tracking your package whenever you want. Try Virtual Flight here, practicing before flying. Manage your devices conveniently, checking your warranty and Care anytime.
Download DJI Apps & Software - DJI
Learn about and download apps such as DJI GO 4, DJI GO, DJI Store, DJI Assistant 2, and more.
DJI Fly - Download Center - DJI
The DJI Fly app interface was designed to be simplified and ultra-intuitive. Compatible for DJI NEO, DJI Avata 2, DJI Mini 4 Pro, DJI Air 3, DJI Mavic 3 Pro, DJI Mini 2 SE, DJI Mini 3, DJI Mavic 3 Classic, DJI Avata, DJI Mini 3 Pro, DJI Mavic 3, DJI Mini SE, DJI Air 2S, DJI FPV, DJI Mini 2, Mavic Air 2, Mavic Mini.
Compatible Apps and Download - DJI
Consult this article if you want to know which software to use with camera drones, handheld cameras, handheld stabilizers, enterprise products, and agricultural drones (for example, which app is compatible with DJI Mini 4 Pro, or how to download the DJI Fly app).
下載中心 - DJI
以 DJI Power 系列為例,透過藍牙將裝置與 DJI Home 連接後,你可透過 app 即時遠端掌握裝置動態,並自訂設定規格。 僅在 DJI Store App 線上試飛,體驗飛行樂趣;官方社區,隨時交流想法;設備綁定,享一站式官方服務。
下载中心 - DJI 大疆创新
大疆商城 新品首发,配件齐全;内含“虚拟飞行”,在线试飞,新手必玩;设备管理,可随时查看设备状态、DJI Care 到期时间,是大疆用户必备的一站式服务 app。
Built to optimize your aerial experience, the DJI Fly app empowers users to fly, capture incredible images, edit, and share with ease. The app interface was designed to be simplified and ultra-intuitive.
Capture and share beautiful content using the DJI GO app with the Phantom series, Inspire series and Osmo. Built for universal DJI compatibility and upgraded usability, simply connect your device, launch the app, and GO.
Centro de downloads - DJI
Saiba mais sobre os produtos DJI com especificações, guias tutoriais e manuais do usuário. Baixe o aplicativo DJI para capturar e compartilhar conteúdos bonitos.
Centro de descargas - DJI
Obtén más información sobre los productos DJI con especificaciones, guías tutoriales y manuales de usuario. Descarga la aplicación DJI para capturar y compartir contenido hermoso.