Modeling of a coaxial liquid oxygen/gaseous hydrogen injection element ...
An experimental combustor, designated BKH, is operated at DLR Lampoldshausen to investigate high-frequency combustion instability phenomena. The combustor operates with liquid oxygen (LOx) and gaseous or liquid hydrogen propellants at …
In BKH, Webster et al. [10] showed that a nonlinear coupling was observed between measured dynamic pressure and §ame response visualized with both visible and OH* chemiluminescence imaging. Areas of high combustion rate and density gradients can be detected by OH* emission and visible imaging, respectively.
High frequency combustion instabilities in liquid propellant …
2016年1月1日 · In one of the DLR combustors, designated BKH, the flame response to acoustic forcing with a siren wheel can be observed through large optical access windows. Analysis showed that the acoustic...
(PDF) Modeling of a coaxial liquid oxygen/gaseous hydrogen injection ...
2019年2月8日 · An experimental combustor, designated BKH, is operated at DLR Lampoldshausen to investigate high-frequency combustion instability phenomena. The combustor operates with liquid oxygen...
Modelling Flame Response of a Co-axial LOx/GH2 ... - Academia.edu
This work focuses on a high frequency combustion instability experiment, designated BKH, operated at the DLR Institute of Space Propulsion. BKH optical data is analysed to identify the flame response to longitudinal and transverse acoustic excitation and to produce results for numerical validation.
Preliminary design of a combustion chamber for numerical …
In dieser Arbeit wird der DLR Strömungslöser TAU zur skalenauflösenden Simulation eines Lastpunkts von Brennkammer H (BKH) des DLR Lampoldshausen verwendet, bei dem sowohl Treibstoff als auch...
DLR-F6翼身组合体流场计算【详细】(SU2) - 知乎专栏
DLR-F6翼身组合体是DLR开发的一款现代运输机典型巡航构型。 该模型是第二届和第三届 AIAA阻力预测研讨会 所采用的标准算例之一。 DLR-F6外形由机身、机翼和发动机短舱构成。 该飞机的设计马赫数为0.75,升力系数0.50。 针对带短舱和不带短舱的两种构型,研究人员分别开展了风洞试验,获得了包括升阻力特性曲线、表面压力分布和油流图谱等试验结果。 本文以DLR-F6构型为测试算例,检验 SU2 对于复杂外形流场的模拟能力。 图 1 DLR-F6翼身组合体(带短舱)风洞 …
Testing has been conducted with the BKH rocket combustor at the European Research and Technology Test Facility P8 for cryogenic rocket engines at DLR Lampoldshausen. BKH has multiple shear coaxial… The effects of acoustic perturbations on a liquid oxygen/methane spray flame have been experimentally investigated.
英文 dlr 物理意义 中文 大气向下发射的到达地球表面的长波辐射通量密度。 英文 用途 中文 卫星dlr 产品应用于气候模式、陆面模式、海洋大气环流模式,作为输入 参量或模式性能评估。 英文 用户 中文 国家气候中心 英文 备注 中文 英文 责任人 吴晓 责任人 ...
遥感目标检测——DLR3k/DLR-MVDA_数据集-飞桨AI Studio星河社区
2022年7月30日 · DLR3k或称DLR-MVDA数据集,用于遥感目标检测 源地址:https://www.dlr.de/eoc/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-12760/22294_read-52777