120×570mm NATO - Wikipedia
120×570mm NATO tank ammunition (4.7 inch), also known as 120×570mmR, is a common, NATO -standard (STANAG 4385), tank gun semi-combustible cartridge used by 120mm smoothbore guns, superseding the earlier 105×617mmR cartridge used in …
【翻译】120*570mm坦克弹药介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
120*570mm NATO坦克弹,又被称为120*570R,是一种常见的北约标准(STANAG 4385)半可燃坦克弹药,可用于120mm滑膛炮。 120*570R炮弹最初用于德国Rh-120滑膛炮,但西德和法国于1979年4月签署了互用协议以让法国使用这种弹药。 随后,1981年9月正在研发中的M1A1艾布拉姆斯坦克决定使用这种弹药,并使其成为北约标准弹药。 120*570毫米是一种带有半可燃弹壳的一体式弹药。 其包括一个带有弹性密封圈的短金属短管,使得其可以使用普通的滑楔式后膛,同 …
German Armor Blog: German 120mm Tank Ammunition
2020年4月23日 · The 120mm DM13 was the first indigenous APFSDS development in Germany. Like all of its successors it was supplied and designed by Rheinmetall. It was introduced in …
Licensed to numerous nations (USA, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Greece and Poland), 120mm smoothbore technology became the dominant tank main armament in the Western world/NATO.
拨开重重迷雾看日本坦克的火力 - 知乎
在炮弹方面,迄今为止日本只展出过两大类120毫米坦克炮炮弹:用于对抗重装甲目标的APFSDS炮弹(JM33、新型穿甲弹)和用于对抗轻装甲、软目标的HEAT-MP炮弹(JM12)。 APFSDS自不必说,JM12 HEAT-MP其实就是授权自 莱茵金属公司 生产的DM12多功能破甲弹。
PARM 1 mine - Wikipedia
The PARM 1 (DM12) and its improved version (DM22) is a German off-route mine that fires a fin stabilized rocket. PARM stands for PanzerAbwehrRichtMine, anti-tank directional mine. The mine was developed in the early 1980s to meet the US MIL-STD …
Rheinmetall 120 Mm Gun | Encyclopedia MDPI
2016年6月14日 · The Rheinmetall 120 mm gun is a smoothbore tank gun designed and produced by the West German Rheinmetall-DeTec AG company, developed in response to Soviet advances in armor technology and development of new armored threats.
Munition, projectile, DM12A1 (120 mm HEAT-FS-T) | Fenix Insight
The DM12A1 is a German, 120 mm (120×570), high explosive anti-tank (HEAT), fin-stabilised, tracer (HEAT-FS-T) smoothbore tank gun round, which is a variant of the earlier DM12 round.
DM-12 PARM – Wikipedia
Im Prinzip handelt es sich bei der DM12 PARM um eine autonome, sensorgesteuerte Panzerfaust, die auf einem Dreibein an Wegrändern oder in Straßengräben zur Absicherung von Straßen und Wegen (Off-Route) aufgestellt werden kann.
CAT-UXO - Parm landmine
The PARM 1 (DM-12) and PARM 2 (DM-22) are off-route landmines consisting of the launcher assembly and fin-stabilised Explosively-Formed-Jet (EFJ) warhead assembly. The PARM 2 incorporates an Infrared (IR) sensor, the SAPIR, which acts to …
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