German Armor Blog: German 120mm Tank Ammunition
The DM53 APFSDS is the first design from Germany that is able to reliably defeat tanks equipped with Heavy ERA (like Kontakt-5). Its muzzle energy is 15% higher compared to its …
120mm Tank Gun KE Ammunition - Defense Update
2006年11月22日 · The DM53 round was designed to maximize the performance of KE projectiles fired from 120mm smoothbore guns such as the L44 (15% improvement) or L55 (30% …
【翻译】120*570mm坦克弹药介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
120*570毫米是一种带有半可燃弹壳的一体式弹药。 其包括一个带有弹性密封圈的短金属短管,使得其可以使用普通的滑楔式后膛,同时显著降低了炮弹的重量。 因此,一发120mm的莱茵金 …
【图片】(不定期更新)重新比较分析DM53,K279和10式,以及 …
结论:DM53相比M829A1,对重量的利用效率较低,长径比远远不到30(M829A1杆长660,杆径22才能达到30;而DM53长度小于640,直径大于22)。 但是这种重弹也有好处,估计对抗爆 …
Ammunition Data - SBWiki - Steelbeasts.com
2024年7月2日 · The "Range" column indicates a given round's "maximum effective range" and the cutoff range for AI engagements, not the round's maximum possible range. This value is …
How much 3BM60 has pen? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2024年6月22日 · First off, 3BM60 currently has 666mm of penetration at 100 meters with standard testing: 60 degrees. Second, they use the Swiss mathematician’s equation for …
urban scenarios. Used in the fi eld by many nations since 1980, Rheinmetall’s 120mm technology has progressed to be the world’s most innovative and established main battle tank armament …
DM63 Incorrect penetration and up to date rounds ~10 years
2023年11月24日 · DM53 and DM63 being used for 120mm. Gepard fires a sub-caliber F-APDS, they may have the same penetrator designation but they arent the same round. Ok? The only …
In regards of the 120mm CL3143 vs DM53 pen values.
2024年5月26日 · If my understanding of physics is still correct, than the higher mass and velocity of the CL round should result in more kinetic energy and with it a higher armor pen compared …
穿甲弹的级别到现在是怎么分的,M829A4和DM63属于同一级别 …
DM53/63与M829A2/A3不属于同一种技术的穿甲弹,穿甲弹穿甲本质是靠动能,但关键技术还有材料性能,DM53/63属于变性能穿甲弹,也就是穿杆不同部位有不同的硬度和韧性,利于在动能 …
关于dm53穿深 (原文在贴吧) - 哔哩哔哩
2024年2月21日 · 莱茵金属公司主导研制的120mm DM43 (LKE I)和DM53/63 (LKE II)可以算是21世纪动能ap弹的标杆。 u0000LKE I 和LKE II代表了两种发展思路,前者是所谓的“高速轻弹”策 …
德美长杆次口径尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹的发展 - 哔哩哔哩
DM53全弹质量21.4千克,射弹长745毫米,质量5千克,炮口初速1670米/秒(L44)或1750米/秒(L55),千米速降约为55米/秒,精度为0.2密位,有效射程3000-4000米;多基发射药质量 …
【微科普】你游的M829A2和DM53(L44) - 百度贴吧
相同体积与防护面积的情况下,垂直装甲还比倾斜有优势? 钢针这正转正怎么来的. 【微科普】你游的M8.. (看来放出来了就看图吧M829A2误差千分之八,来源杆长690-700,初速1670 …
Should we get rounds like the DM63A1, DM73, M829A3, 3BM59 …
2024年2月2日 · If I remember correctly from the documents I have, dm53/53a1/63/63a1/73 all use the same penetrator. The main differences are propellent used and the gun they’re fired from. …
为什么dm53穿深这么高? - 百度贴吧
2017年10月28日 · 为了提高穿甲弹的性能, 出现了用高密度铀合金(比如美军使用的贫铀穿甲弹)和钨合金(比如德国的DM-53) 制作弹芯的穿甲弹, 它们的穿甲能力更强, 对目标的毁伤效 …
The comprehensive APFSDS penetration datasheet
2023年6月30日 · Here’s a comprehensive list of tank APFSDS in-game with their in-game penetration of steel. Ammunition with 2 or more penetrations have different lengths of guns …
difference between ammunition :: War Thunder General Discussions
2024年3月9日 · DM53 has significantly more penetration capabilities at 500m than DM33. 610mm vs 470mm respectivelly. The primary change higher tier APFSDS rounds enable you to do is …
Large calibre – weapons and ammunition - Rheinmetall
Rheinmetall has developed the world's first temperature-independent high-performance tank ammunition, the DM 63 and DM 53 A1 (the latter is an upgraded version of the DM 53).
New 120 mm gun and ammunition; a 20% performance increase …
2021年3月5日 · This pressure increase is vital to obtain the performances increases that the two rounds under development will bring with them. The first one to enter service will be the DM73, …
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