DMU 60 (FD) eVo - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
Universal pallet handling from DMG MORI. Control directly via the machine control system; High variability of available configurations from 24 round pallets of ø 148 to four 500 × 500 mm pallets; Up to 150 kg workpiece weight as standard (optionally expandable to …
DMU 60 eVo / DMU 60 eVo linear | Products - DMG MORI
2022年2月14日 · The DMU 60 eVo is equipped with a 600 × 500 mm working table with a loading capacity of up to 400 kg. The model is suited to machining of medium size workpieces for various fields including medical component, automotive and aircraft industries. The linear specification with the linear drive of highly dynamic performance is also available.
DMG DMC 60U 5 Axis Machining Center CNC Mill - MachineStation
Purchase A Used Deckel Maho DMC 60U HI-DYN 5 Axis CNC Mill From MachineStation Today! Get A Quote On This Used Machine At (909) 919-9600!
DMU Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
CELOS: The app based control and operating system; Exclusive DMG MORI technology cycles available; ERGOline 21.5‘‘ Multi Touch Panel with CELOS and SIEMENS SINUMERIK 840D sl; ERGOline 21.5‘‘ Multi Touch Panel with CELOS and HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (only for DMU 50 3 rd Generation available); ERGOline 21.5‘‘ Multi Touch Panel with CELOS and MAPPS on F31iB5 (only for DMU 50 3 rd ...
Compact 3rd Generation duoBLOCK® – Greatest stability and long-term accuracy. Development of the duoBLOCK®: Maximum rigidity for the greatest long-term precision thanks to continuous machine design improvement. 3rd Generation duoBLOCK® – Even larger work area with unbeatable accessibility.
DMG MORI的5轴铣削技术 - DMG MORI China
以5个带托盘交换系统的万能加工中心产品线为基础,DMG MORI为客户提供正确的铣削加工解决方案,包括自动的5面加工和5轴联动铣削加工。 不仅具有高动态性能和优异的接近性能及操作舒适性,还能确保高生产力的灵活性和高性能的切削能力及高精度。 5轴技术不仅能满足大量几何形状的加工要求,而且为加工任务而特别优化设计的多种主轴使数控铣削加工技术适用于更广泛的应用条件。 例如从航空航天业的难切削材料,到工模具制造业的高精度和高表面质量要求。
dmg mori是车削中心和铣削加工中心的全球领导者,也是喷粉式和粉床式增材制造的综合性供应商。
DMU 600 P (FD) - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
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DMC 60 FD duoBLOCK | Products - DMG MORI
2016年4月29日 · The duoBLOCK series models are 5-axis machining centers that employ the DMG MORI original highly stable, highly precise duoBLOCK structure. The DMC FD duoBLOCK is equipped with a high-speed pallet changer, and offers the gantry loader and robot specifications to flexibly meet the needs for automation systems for higher productivity.
Universal pallet handling from DMG MORI. Control directly via the machine control system; High variability of available configurations from 24 round pallets of ø 148 to four 500 × 500 mm pallets; Up to 150 kg workpiece weight as standard (optionally expandable to …