The DMU 1000 SE is a special edition of the DMU 600 P large 5-axis portal machine with high machining accuracy, high rigidity, and up to two tables. When connected, the two tables allow …
DMU Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
The Universal Milling Machines of the DMU Series are offering the economical entry into 5-axes machining up to 5-axes simultaneous machining The rigid swivel rotary table allows a swivel …
DMU 1000 SEは、門型構造を採用しており、高い加工精度と剛性を実現する大型5軸加工機DMU 600 P をベースに、テーブルを2つ配置可能な特別仕様(Special Edition)です。テーブル連 …
Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound (DMU) < University of Missouri
DMU 1000: Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound. Introduction to the profession of diagnostic medical ultrasound. Imaging characteristics, educational requirements, professional …
duoBLOCK Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
DMU duoBLOCK. The 5-axis machines in the highly stable duoBLOCK design allow the highest machining performance with upt to 1,800 Nm spindle torque with the 5X torqueMASTER und …
DMU 100 P (FD) duoBLOCK - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
powerMASTER motorspindle with 1,000 Nm and 77 kW; 5X torqueMASTER with 1,800 Nm and 52 kW; Efficiency. Low space requirements, extremely compact wheel magazine with short …
NTX 1000 - Turn & Mill Machines - DMG MORI
Available for 13 series, e. g. NLX, NTX, NHX, DMU, NMV, eVo, etc. Highlights - Pallet Handling Ideal for the flexible production of 50 to 200 workpieces / day
DMU 遗传评估从入门到出家系列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
DMU是一个 数量遗传学 工具包,主要功能包括估计方差组分和固定效应,预测育种值。 DMU的开发历史可以追溯到25年前,大部分功能基于数量遗传学研究的需求而开发。 在丹麦动物育种 …
DMU 100 P (FD) duoBLOCK - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI …
powerMASTER 电主轴,扭矩 1,000 Nm和功率77 kW; 5X torqueMASTER主轴,扭矩1,800 Nm和功率52 kW; 高效率. 超紧凑453位轮式刀库,占地少,换刀时间短,最多5.6秒; 优异的接近性 …
DMU Baureihe - 5-Achs-Fräsen - DMG MORI Deutschland
Die Universal Fräsmaschinen der DMU Baureihe bieten den preiswerten Einstieg in die 5-Achs Bearbeitung bis hin zur 5-Achs Simultanbearbeitung. Der stabile Schwenkrundtisch erlaubt …