DMU 200 Gantry - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
Portal tool handling for highest efficiency, transport of up to 80 tools per hour. To change tools between the shuttle and the machine or on the CTS, the TLS moves upwards in each case. Max. X-axis stroke. Max. Y-axis stroke. Max. Z-axis stroke.
DMU 200 Gantry - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
新:在 2.0 版中可实现复杂的车削轮廓(目前仅适用于 dmu 50,其他机床类型将陆续推出)
Gantry Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
The DMU Gantry series impressively combines the machining of large workpieces with maximum dynamics. Operators of various industries like model making, automotive and aerospace industry as well as in the energy sector benefit from this. Thanks to 5-axis machining with up to 30,000 rpm even complex and very heavy parts can be processed economically.
DMU 200 Gantry | Products - DMG MORI
2020年3月16日 · The DMU Gantry series models employ gantry structure ideal for medium sizes between the traveling column DMF series and the bridge-type DMU P series. The models have superior dynamic performance and cutting capability, suitable for large-sized components of hard-to-cut materials, such as automobile die & mold parts and aircraft parts.
DMU 200 Gantry - 5轴加工的最高转速达30,000 rpm并可选配复合 …
2017年9月19日 · DMU 200 Gantry为立式3轴版机床,出厂时配speedMASTER主轴,转速为20,000 rpm。 还能选配超声加工铣头和LASERTEC Shape激光加工技术。 增加该选配后可对模具进行完整加工,包括表面纹理加工。
DMU 200 Gantry - DMG MORI
2018年9月10日 · 0.5 g acceleration for highly dynamic machining of large components up to 22,046 lbs on less than 258.3 ft² footprint. The DMU 200 Gantry from DMG MORI impressively combines the machining of large components and maximum dynamics. Users benefit in the aerospace and automotive industry as well as in model making and the energy sector.
DMG MORI大型5轴加工中心DMU 200 Gantry介绍 - 搜狐
2019年5月4日 · DMU 200 Gantry. 适合大型工件的加工. 宽广的加工范围. X轴:2,000mm(+460mm) Z轴:1,200mm. 紧凑的设计. X轴方向最大可以扩展4,000mm. 高动态性能以及. 最高水平加工面品味. 埋藏于两边的切屑传送带. 运输处理切削废料. 45度、90度的铣头刀. 实现5轴加工. 机台可承载的工件 ...
Gantry系列 - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
主轴转速高达30,000 rpm的5轴加工能力,即使复杂和重型工件,也能经济地加工。 桥式结构设计,充分利用加工区空间。 模块化的驱动单元,易于扩展。
5轴加工中心 - DMU 200 - DMG MORI/德马吉森精机 - 立式 / 龙门 …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供5轴加工中心产品详细信息。规格型号:DMU 200 ,公司品牌:DMG MORI/德马吉森精机。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选5轴加工中心产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
DMU 200 Gantry - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
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