DMU 340 Gantry - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI USA
Highest long-term accuracy due to cooled linear guideways and active spindle growth control. Lower energy consumption through intelligent needs-based power units. Gantry design with …
DMU 340 P (FD) - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
Highest long-term accuracy due to cooled linear guideways and active spindle growth control. Lower energy consumption through intelligent needs-based power units. Gantry design with …
DMU Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
The Universal Milling Machines of the DMU Series are offering the economical entry into 5-axes machining up to 5-axes simultaneous machining The rigid swivel rotary table allows a swivel …
DMU 340 P (FD) - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
DECKEL MAHO龙门系列加工中心 – 装机量已超过1,000台。 链接:正齿轮几何计算的齿轮参数输入。 / Rechts : Grafische Betrachtung des Abwälzverfahrens. 左 : 外圆、内圆和圆弧磨削。 …
DMU 340 Gantry | Products | DMG MORI
2017年3月14日 · The DMU Gantry series models employ gantry structure ideal for medium sizes between the traveling column DMF series and the bridge-type DMU P series. The models …
DMU 340 Gantry - The new standard in the gantry field - DMG …
2017年9月19日 · The DMU 340 Gantry uses the SK40-SpeedMASTER motor spindle as standard, produced in-house with 15,000 rpm and 130 Nm. The range of spindle modules …
5轴加工中心 - DMU 340 P (FD) - DMG MORI/德马吉森精机 - 立式 …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供5轴加工中心产品详细信息。 规格型号:DMU 340 P (FD),公司品牌:DMG MORI/德马吉森精机。 直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。 寻 …
5-axis CNC milling center - DMU 340 - DMG MORI - vertical / …
Find out all of the information about the DMG MORI product: 5-axis CNC milling center DMU 340 . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your …
DMU 340 Gantry - DMG MORI - IndustryArena
Highest long-term accuracy due to cooled linear guideways and active spindle growth control. Lower energy consumption through intelligent needs-based power units. Gantry design with …
德马吉DMU 340 P - 产品 - DMG MORI
2013年12月10日 · 最大工件重量16t,快移速度60 m/min和B轴型的自动摆动铣头为全新应用提供可能。 60位刀库,也可选配120,180或240位刀库。 DMU 340 P还为模具制造提供一个特殊 …