DMU Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
The Universal Milling Machines of the DMU Series are offering the economical entry into 5-axes machining up to 5-axes simultaneous machining The rigid swivel rotary table allows a swivel range up to 110° With spindle speeds up to 20,000 rpm the DMU is suited for an universal use from education up to the demanding production
DMP 35 - Vertical Milling - DMG MORI
Highest precision, rigidity as well as maximum flexibility in the field 3-axis and 5-axis machining. Automation is a key element of digital production. Every DMG MORI machine can be upgraded with standard automation or with a customised automation solution for flexible manufacturing systems: Interpolation turning 2.0 – turnin…
Used Deckel Maho Dmu 35 M for sale (858) - Machineseeker
Used Deckel Maho Dmu 35 M for sale on Machineseeker.com ️ great brands & offers available now ️ buy or sell Deckel Maho Dmu 35 M on Machineseeker in the USA 🏷️
DMU 50 和DMU 70 是应用于车间生产、培训、实验室以及刀具、夹具及模具制造方面具有开创性 的划时代机床。这些数控万能铣床采用创新的机械工程技术制造。亮点包括:所有的轴及主轴均配 数字驱动,快移速度达30 m/min,加速度达5 m/s²,电主轴转速达18,000 rpm。
DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M Universal Machining Centre - YouTube
Then you might be interested in this used machinery offer: DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M Universal Machining Centre. Find more machine tools and other used metalworking, woodworking and plastics...
DMU 40 (FD) eVo - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
坚固的结构满足所有要求,负载能力可选择25或35公斤; 搬运工件的尺寸为20-200mm; 保持对机器的完全可访问性; 对准和车削站,用于自动化的6面完整加工
Dmu 35 M gebraucht kaufen - Maschinensucher
Gebrauchte Dmu 35 M (241) Jetzt Maschinensucher komplett durchsuchen mit mehr als 200.000 gebrauchten Maschinen.
Deckel, Maho, Aciera, Abene Mills > DMU 35M - IndustryArena
2015年2月21日 · Hello everyone, I was looking in maybe buying a Deckel DMU 35m. Its an 5 axis cnc mill. Only thing is the 4th and 5th axe are manual. Would it be maybe possible to mound servos to those axes and integrate them into the cnc control of the mill? And would it be also possible to ad an ATC to the mill, and also integrate this into its controls?
DMU 35 M bzw. 50 M | DMG Maschinen | DMG MORI Forum
2014年12月29日 · Dabei bin ich auf die DMU 35 M bzw. 50 M gestossen. Beide Typen werden zu für mich erschwinglichen Preisen mit einem Alter von ca. 12 Jahren angeboten. Als Steuerung gibt es Siemens 810 oder Heidenhain TNC 310. Kann jemand etwas zu diesen Maschinen sagen (positiv oder negativ)? Welche Steuerung ist zu bevorzugen.
德马吉DMU 100 P duoBLOCK® - 产品 - DMG MORI
2013年12月9日 · 新一代万能铣床加工区体积高达1 m3 (35立方英尺),热对称的机床结构。 DMU 100 P duoBLOCK®能确保复杂工件5轴加工的高精度。 这些机床灵活性好,可根据用户需求配置。 受控A轴或B轴的铣头,多种主驱动,带高精度测量系统的NC回转工作台以及全新高动态性能的回转摆动工作台,60位刀库,也可选配120,180,240,300甚至354位刀库。 亮点 DMU 100 P duoBLOCK®. NC回转工作台和NC数控B轴的5轴联动加工为标配. duoBLOCK®结构,精度高, …
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